Falling for Des

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Rhett woke me the next morning with the biggest smile on his face. "Pride! Pride!" he mumbled outside the door, knocking excitedly.

I sat up, rubbing my eyes, "Come in."

He stepped in, holding a plate of pancakes, "Good morning. I have pancakes and good news."

I smiled, taking the plate from his hands, "Did you make these?"

He nodded, proudly, "Actually, I did."

I took a bite, surprise covering my body, "These are great!"

He shook his head, "Not really, but thank you." Sitting next me on the bed, he looked at me, bursting to tell me his good news. 

"So, I got a call this morning...And I got an interview!" 

I stopped eating, "What, really? That's wonderful!" 

"Where?" I asked, continuing to down the delicious breakfast Rhett had made.

"The movie theater. It's not exactly what I want to do with my life, but for now, it's alright."

I grinned, "That sounds perfect."

He smiled happily then made his way to the door, "Hope you enjoyed that breakfast. I'll drop you off at school in half an hour, okay?"

I agreed, finishing off my food. Standing, I made an effort to get ready for school.


School was the same routine as usual, and once Rhett picked me up at the curb, we went home. There Link arrived with the mail and he and Rhett talked for an hour.

I had just finished my homework when I heard my phone ding in my pocket.

Hey, Pride.

Checking the I.D. I found myself smiling like an idiot. It was Des.

Hey, Des. I responded.

A few minutes went by before he replied.

D: What might you be up to?

P: Just finishing up some assignments.

D: Sounds delightful.

P: Exhilarating.

D: I'm sorry I couldn't walk you to class today.

I smiled, remembering lunch. Des had been walking me to class everyday since we started talking. But today, he was rushed out of lunch early, attempting to get to the library to finish research for his current project. He said sorry at least seven times before he actually left the lunch table. After he finally left, Coraline kept making jokes about Des having a crush on me. I knew not to believe her. I didn't want to get my hopes too high.

P: Oh, don't worry about it. Gordon walked me instead. I was protected.

D: That sounds thrilling. Sorry I left you to his continuous talk about the human body and the latest release of the X-men comic.

P: Are you kidding me? That was my favorite part!

D: You don't have to lie. We all know you'd rather have me by your side.

P: You think so?

I could feel myself blushing pretty hard at this moment, and naturally, Rhett had walked in before I could make it to my bedroom. 

"Well, either the weather is acting up or you're blushing," he said, on his way to the kitchen.

I looked up from my phone, "I...um..."

"Is it that Desmond boy? I saw the way you two were looking at each other at the party."

I grinned, "Oh, really?"

He smiled, pulling open the cabinets. 

"And how come you couldn't catch Link's eyes on you before I got here?" I said referring to Rhett's oblivion.

He looked at me and grinned, "The world may never know."


After dinner, Rhett went to his room to do whatever it is Rhett's do on Wednesday nights, and I went to the porch. I was still messaging Des. 

We just talked and I enjoyed every minute of it.

Once it got too dark outside, I left the porch and went to my bedroom. After getting ready, I got in bed, but I didn't sleep.

Instead I messaged Des. 

It felt like we had only talked for an hour, but by the time he said goodnight, it was 1 am. 

I knew I was dread waking up tomorrow, but I didn't care. Because it felt great to talk to Des. It was comforting and I was undoubtedly, falling for this boy.


New update. Hope you liked it!

Thanks for reading! You're amazing :) 

And always remember to be your mythical best!

-Robin xoxo

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