Who is it?

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You were woken up by a constant breeze touching your nape. You tried to shift your position and get up when you realised that two strong arms held you around your waist. You immediately  turned around to glance at the culprit. You came in contact with Haruka. His soft hair tickled your forehead and you examined his sleeping face. It was so calm and mesmerising...

Your cheeks burnt slighty and you let out a loud sigh and pinched his face. His green eyes stared into yours and a small smile graced his lips, making you once again feel the heat of your cheeks. 

What is wrong with me, you thought embarrassed, thinking that the lack of sleep was the cause.

"Good morning" he yawned and gave you a peck on the forehead.

 He sat up on the bed, his arms still wrapped around you, dragging you up with him.

"Don't give me 'good morning' and tell me what in the world you are doing in my bed, hell in my apartment!" you scowled.

"You are so cute," he said, his voice back to being emotionless.

"Shut up and tell me Haru-chan," you demanded and pouted, obviously not trying to get flustered over his appearance. He looked so good like that. 

Seriously what is wrong with me today, you thought, slapping both of your hands against your cheeks. 

Haruka just stared at you expressionless making the whole situation even more awkward. You blushed again out of embarrassment. 

Seriously, stop blushing the whole time, you scolded yourself.

"I didn't see you yesterday the whole day since you were at Nii-san's place. I thought you'd come back to me after visiting Nii-san. I even counted the hours. You spend more time with him than with me since coming back," he said in his usual monotone voice but a glance at his eyes revealed another unreadable emotion. 

Feeling a slight shiver, you just let out:

"Yeah, yeah, I understand. More time spending with Haru-chan"

You grinned but suddenly you remembered something important.

"When and how did you come in?"

"Huh? The door wasn't locked. Seriously you should lock the door or else someone will sneak in."

You mean like yourself right, you glanced at him in disbelief.

"When I came in, I found you already asleep on your bed, so I just thought I'd sleep with you."

"Ahaha, you're so funny. You thought you'd just sleep with me. Did you not come up with the idea going to sleep in your own place?" you said sarcastic and played with his cheeks as punishment until they turned red.

 But inwards you let out a relieved sigh. 

Luckily he didn't overhear the conversation or saw the person yesterday evening. They could've locked the door when they left,  just thinking about yesterday made you mad. 

After all this time, when you finally thought, you were able to-

"Hey," Haruka interrupted your thoughts.

"You're making a grim face. Are you still mad at me?" his bored eyes looked at you.

"Nope," you wriggled out of his embrace  and jumped out of the bed.  A glance back at Haruka showed that he was displeased, however you just brushed it off.


After smelling the delightful scent coming from the kitchen, you basically sprinted to the table, waiting to be served by Haruka. 

Finally he turned around, in each hand a plate of your favourite breakfast. Your eyes beamed with happiness:

"You know me too well!"

"Of course. How can I forget? I'm more surprised you're not sick of it yet."

"Why would I be, if you like something you should get loads and loads of it to satisfy yourself," you tried to counter.

"You're right. One really should," his eyes narrowed. 

You returned his stare with big eyes and continued to eat.

"You look like a chipmunk,"  his head rested in his left hand while he ate with his right and didn't look at you but at his plate.

"Wha-" you almost choked on your food. 

"A cute one," he added.

"This does not make it better," you pouted.

"Don't you have to go to work," you broke the silence after a while.

"Yup, fancy going with me?"


I could use a distraction....

Haruka's eyes were filled with happiness.

"Then let's go."


Btw,if you are interested the username in the pic is Naoe's twitter so you can follow them^^

Aoharu x Kikanjuu: Hosokawa Haruka x f!Reader x Midori NagamasaWhere stories live. Discover now