Part 18

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And I'm saying goodbye

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And I'm saying goodbye...

Rowdy stared at the mare and stallion for a moment, looking over them to see if they were actually real before he spoke "M-Mom? Dad?" He asked softly

"It's us Rowdy." The mare spoke lovingly

"I thought the humans got you or worst." He said surprised

"It takes a lot to get rid of us son." The stallion replied amused

Frodo trotted up to stand next Rowdy, "Hey Chaos, Zeb." He greeted kindly "It's been a while."

"Oh Frodo, you should know that you can call us Mom and Dad." Chaos chuckled

Frodo smiled and replied "I know, but calling you by your names comes naturally, especially since I haven't seen you in such a long time."

"Dad!" Emerald squealed jumping out of the bushes

"Em get back here!" Blood yelled as he came barreling through the trees all muddy

"Both of you stop." Rowdy ordered ears pinned

Chaos gasped "My Grand-foals!" (pfft idk xP)

"Grandma!" The kids cheered.

"Oh my you've both grown so much." She said

"It's been 2 years Grandma." Emerald giggled

"Where's your mother?" Zeb asked looking around for said mare

Rowdy froze as a sudden overwhelming feeling of sadness hit him hard, Frodo's eyes widened as he turned to Rowdy, worry showing in his orange gaze.

Storm and Cinder overheard the conversation but decided not to speak up yet.

"Rowdy?" Chaos asked "Is something the matter?"

Emerald and Blood had went quiet at the mention of their mother's name...

Rowdy's red eyes hardened before he locked eyes with his mother "She died from an unknown sickness.." He said in whisper.
Chaos' eyes dulled in sorrow as Zeb had his ears flattened with his head dipped down in sadness.

"I'm so sor-" Chaos started to say but was cut off when Rowdy shook his head, his face of guilt and sadness was replaced by a stoic look.

"Don't be, mom..." He sighed

Frodo side glanced the stallion he practically called his brother and nudged him with his shoulder "It's in the past, she's with StarHerd now she wouldn't want us mourning over her death that happened a long time ago, she would want us to move on and to keep her in our hearts." He said smiling

"Frodo's right, it's best to keep the past in the past." Rowdy said simply

Chaos and Zeb nodded before Storm and Cinder caught their attention..

"Who are these two lovely mares?" Zeb asked changing the subject

Rowdy's ears perked as he looked over his shoulder to beckon the two over, "This is Storm and Cinder... my former apprentices."

"It's a pleasure to meet you both." Storm said smiling

"Might I say you are very beautiful mares." Zeb complemented

"T-Thank you." Cinder stuttered unsure of what to do or say

"Now..I don't mean to be rude, but could we possibly talk to our son(s) alone?" Chaos asked softly for the mares to leave with the kids

"O-oh sure, it's not a problem, we'll see you soon." Storm said before turning to walk back to the lake with the others.

Rowdy and Frodo gave Chaos and Zeb suspicious looks " Why did you ask them to leave?" Frodo asked

"Because we thought they didn't know about our family's abilities." Chaos said

"Mom...What's going on?" Rowdy asked slowly

"There is going to be a war." Zeb began

"What?!" Frodo gasped

"What do you mean by war? What has happened?" Rowdy snapped worriedly

"The humans are coming for every horse they can find, the land we stand on is what they want...A rebellion has erupted from the largest herds among us.... The only herd who doesn't know about this war is IceHerd." Chaos explained

"Why are you telling us?" Rowdy said "We are of no help to the war."

"Your brother (M/n) is there leading the rebellion he is in TreeHerd right now, training once peaceful horses to slaughter man." Zeb said

"That doesn't explain why you need us."

"Rowdy...Frodo.. Your powers-"

"No." Rowdy growled "I refuse to use the powers that beast gave me for war."

"Please son, if you don't we will all be killed!" Chaos cried

Frodo took a shaky breath and glanced at Rowdy "We have too."

Rowdy pinned his ears and looked over his shoulder locking onto Storm's form "I can't leave her."

"Son please."

"I can't just leave another mare that I love!" Rowdy blurted out "I've made that mistake once and I'm not doing it again!"

Chaos reeled back from the Rowdy's intimidating voice before answering back in her own "Rowdy if you don't, that mare, your friends, your children, your family will be killed alongside hundreds upon hundreds of others, you must help us fight back."

Rowdy blinked before taking a step back, looking to the side as he thought of the best way to go.

Finally with a growl he snaps his gaze back to Chaos and Zeb "Fine we'll help but I want you to stay here and protect Storm, Cinder and my children if anything, and I mean anything happens to them I swear you will wish you never had me as your son." He spat

"You have our word, we will stay here and protect them as long as you keep your side of the deal." Zeb stated coolly
Rowdy narrowed his eyes and nodded "Let us say goodbye.." He muttered

"Of course, take your time."

Rowdy and Frodo turned and walked towards the mares and kids

"Rowdy! Where's your parents? They aren't leaving already are they?" Storm questioned gazing at the stallion.

"No they're staying.." Rowdy said quietly

"Oh good!" Storm said smiling but soon realized that Rowdy's mood had changed "Are you okay? Why do you look upset?" She asked softly walking closer to him

"Storm..." Rowdy said his reddish/brown eyes filled with guilt "Me and Frodo will be leaving for a while..."

"What do you mean?" Cinder questioned

"There is war between Horses and Humans... our parents want us to help fight it." Frodo confessed

"No no no no NO you are not leaving us." Cinder stated

"Cinder we have no choice." Frodo said as a pang of sadness hit him like a kick to the face

Storm stared at Rowdy tears pricking her blue-ish grey eyes, Rowdy let out a shaky sigh before walking up to her and wrapping his neck around hers...

"I swear we'll be back as soon as we can." He whispered

Storm returned the hug as tears fell "Please stay safe, come back to me."

"I will, I swear it."

Backing away Rowdy locked eyes with Storm once more before he turned to give the children the news.

-time skip-

After saying their goodbyes Rowdy and Frodo began their journey to the last known spot where Treeherd was last, unknowing of how long they would be until they next saw their family.
Back at the lake, Storm stared at the field the stallions disappeared over, with a sigh she flattened her ears sadly "If only I told him before he left..." She mumbled turning her head to gaze at her stomach in fear and sadness...

Part 18 has been re-written!
Hope you enjoyed,

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