Part 23

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Under the cover of night, the pale moonlight barely lit up the clearing where two horses stood, their breath swirling in the crisp Leaf-fall.

"Is he going to show?" One of them growled out, they're tone snappish. "It's freezing!"

"Quiet, there's his scent." The other replied, their pale golden eyes shimmering. "And it's not that cold." They state simply, swishing their tail.

"You wanted to see me?" Another cold voice cut in, only they stay hidden in the darkness of the trees. "Gold, Silver, we cannot be meeting in such times, if I had been caught by patrols-"

"Yeah yeah we get it!" Silver spat her black and white mane blowing in the wind "You're an 'important' pony in your herd." She snorts, emphasizing important. The horse in the woods puffed, their breath becoming visible, Silver stepped back when a pair of glowing red eyes appeared.

"It would be best if you did not mock my role, and call me a pony." The horse snaps, red eyes fading.

"Excuse her." Gold apologizes "How long is it before your horses are ready?"

"We're still waiting for Iceherd." The horse states calmly "Keep distracting your humans, we'll talk more of this ambush next full moon."

"Very well, let's go Silver." Gold says turning away and running off to the south. Silver glared in the direction of the horse before running after her friend.


"Storm, you need to get up." Cinder instructs walking around the gray mare. A groan was her reply and Cinder sighed heavily. "If you don't get up I'm gonna start nipping at your ears." She warned.

Instantly, Storm was heaving herself up, hating the fact that her friend would threaten her. "You're as mean as a rattler I hope you know that, Cinder!" She scoffed. "Making a pregnant mare get up, how dare you!" She exclaims.

"'How dare me' Yeah yeah, I'm terrible I know." Cinder mocks sniffing around Storm. "How are you feeling anyways?"


Cinder gives her a unamused look. "Really?" Getting a nod the white mare sighs, "Well you need to eat, now come on." She urges lightly nudging the other's flank.

"Alright! Alright! Sheesh! I'm slow- Hey! Stop forcing me to go faster!" Storm snaps, taking her sweet time towards the meadows. Cinder huffed trotting around Storm's slow moving form, studying ever movement for signs of pain and or discomfort.

"Cinder!" Storm exclaims "I. Am. Fine! Stop worrying!" The white mare gave her a uncertain look, her bright orbs scanning Storm's.

"You sure?" She asks softly, her voice suddenly dropping low due too embarrassment.

Storm smiled tiredly "I'm positive. Trust me okay?"

Both mares look over after hearing a nicker, Storm smiled softly as Blood and Emerald chased one another around Chaos and Zeb. The elder horses didn't seem to mind them, only Zeb flinched when Emerald ran face first into his flank.

"Sorry, Grandpa!" Emerald squeals, lashing out her back hoof before bolting away from her advancing sibling and into the surrounding forest.

"Will they ever learn to grow up?" Chaos huffs backing up when Blood gallops past her.

Zeb gives a hearty laugh "I doubt it." He smiles "Try to make the most of it, they're our grandfoals!"

Chaos looked at her mate before sighing, "You're lucky I love you." She states, swishing her black tail. Blue eyes spark in amusement before Zeb leans down to nuzzle her.

"Alright love-birds!" Cinder chirps walking up on the elders, a bright smile on her muzzle. Storm managed to stifle a giggle at their flustered expressions. "You wanna head to the orchard? I was thinking about managing Storm's cravings!" Cinder teased nudging the gray mare lightly, only to earn a snort as a response.

"Now Cinder, it's not nice to tease a pregnant mare." Zeb scolded "Believe me, it's not a good thing..." He adds quietly giving Chaos a weary glance. Cinder giggled at the old stallion, finding Rowdy's parents amusing, how these two fun and goofy acting horses spawn a grumpy turd is strange.

"HELP!" Emerald's fear filled call has the small herd jumping in fright, the lithe palomino was booking it out of the trees, Blood on right behind her looking just as spooked. Cinder was about to ask what had them so afraid, but the sound of thundering hoof-steps had her snapping her mouth shut. Three tame horses barreled out of the woods after Blood and Emerald, the humans atop them darker skinned unlike the usual humans that the small herd sees.

Zeb, Chaos, and Cinder all raced forward to protect Storm and the young, but the humans didn't look like they were going to slow their ponies down. In a last ditch effort to protect his family, Zeb takes off, charging the human and horse that were leading. The other horses perked in surprise, before digging their hooves into the ground to stop. Zeb snorted and skids to a stop as well, letting out a threatening neigh and rearing up.

The humans spoke angrily, kicking their horses in the gut trying hard to get them to go forward, but they wouldn't move another inch forward. The strange horses looked at each other before spinning on their hooves and taking off back into the woods. Zeb was breathing heavily, his blue eyes glaring daggers at their retreating figures before he straightened up and looked back at the others, a small smile etching onto his muzzle.

Chaos looked furious as she stalked up to her mate, snapping her teeth on his neck to nip him "Don't you ever do that again!" She spits out "I thought they would've caught you!"

"Chaos, please. I may be old but I'm more than capable in handling a few brainless humans!" Zeb argues, hurt that his mate thinks he's useless.

Chaos gazes at him, her hardened eyes going soft, "I've already lost my foals, I can't loose you too.." She mutters looking away, her green eyes clouding.

"Rowdy, Frodo, and (M/N) will be back soon.." Zeb reassures the mourning mare "You just have to believe that they will.." His muzzle touches hers. Chaos seemed to relax at his touch, as her eyes fluttered shut, Zeb pulled away and allowed her too snuggle underneath his head and into his chest. His solemn blue gaze raked over the rest of his herd, silently questioning if they were harmed or not.

Storm gave him a small smile, stepping closer to Emerald so that the filly could lean against her. Blood stood next to Cinder, his chest heaving as he regained his breath, he managed to give Zeb a small nod before returning his attention to Cinder.

A close call for the small herd...

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