Chapter 1: Where It All Starts

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Hey Guys! Thanks for reading my book, or if you skimmed it, LITSEN AS LONG AS YOU SAW IT! LOL but thanks guys! I need to stop but uhh my Co-Owner is Headphones_For_Life be sure to check out her new book "She Could Be The One" Thanks again! Keep Reading! (Sorry if the chapter is too short btw)

"I got it!" Claire yelled as she zoomed down the stairs with lightning speed

Claire swung open the door seeing her best friend I'm the whole world. They both screeched as they pulled each other into a tight embrace.

"I'm so glad you came!" Claire said excitedly as Deanna laughed sheepishly

"Why wouldn't I? We do do this every year" And it was true! Every year on the last day of summer, so the day before the first day if school, we would sleep over each others houses. We would change it up every year and this year it was my turn.

"And just think you two where just cute little babies and I was changing Claire's diapers!" Claire's mother said walking into the room and pinching my cheeks. And I groaned in annoyance

"Oh my! Look at you Deanna! You look so grown"

"Thank you Mrs. Mickle"

"Ok, ok, enough. Ready Deanna? Ill go get the snacks meet me in my room?" and Deanna nodded her head. For the rest of the night we caught up and ate pretty much every snack my mom bought us.


The rest of the morning was a breeze until we got to school. Deanna and I were approached by a really pretty girl with red lipstick and dark black hair.

"Hi, my name is Rebecca Rose! I'll be your tour guide today." Rebecca said with a cheery smile

"Hi I'm Deanna and this is Clarity" Deanna said pointing to her then me

"Hi just call me Claire" I said waving sheepishly

"Okay little kids!" Rebecca yelled laughing at the same time "Lets get going!"

Half way into the tour and seeing so many new faces. "And this is the bathroom anyone have to go before the tour starts again?"

"Ill go" as I walked in. As I was in the stall I felt something in my pocket, Deanna's lip stick. I placed it on the top of the toilet rolls and went in front of the mirror where I had saw Rebecca in my corner. I picked up the lip stick from the sink and put it on for Deanna wouldn't mind.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Said Rebecca with rage.

As Claire looked at Rebecca with confusion. "Putting on my lipstick....?" "THAT WAS MINE!"

"Am soo sor-" But just as Claire was about to finish Rebecca grabbed Claire slammed her into the stall then into the wall.

"Oh my god...I'm so sorry!"

"It's fine" Claire tried to reassure her even though she took this situation to an extreme turn

Rebecca ran out of the bathroom catching her breath and putting on a huge smile. "Well on with the tour everyone just follow me"

"Wait were's Cla-"

"She's not feeling well!" said Rebecca with a rush.

"I mean-" Rebecca said clearing her throat "-she'll be ok she's fine!"

"Well...ok" Deanna said unsure of the situation. She wanted to go check on Claire but if Rebecca had said she was fine then she should be fine right? Deanna snapped out of her thoughts when Rebecca continued on with the tour.

As they walked off Deanna looked back at the bathroom door. "Deanna? You coming?" Rebecca asked

"Y-yeah" she said turning and walking with the group

In the bathroom Claire's back was pressed against the door hearing every word of their conversation. Once she heard the faint voices departure she slid down to the floor. Her shaky hand coming up to her mouth as the tears fell freely down her cheeks and held back the sobs.

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