Chapter 7: Where Am I?

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Claire's P.O.V

I opened my eyes and it still had looked as if i had had my eyes closed, 'I'm i dreaming? I must be'. I blinked to see if i had been sleeping 'Nope' I tried to scream but instead i was humming, 'humming I'm suppost to be screaming!' i thought aloud to myself, 'where was i?' I tried to gather my thoughts and remember everyhting that happened before i fell asleep, but nothing came to my mind. I opened my eyes or what i had seem that my eyes were closed.

I have to get out of here, or wherever I'm at.

I tried to lift up my hands but i had felt something around them, like a cloth. i tried to get my hands free but i struggled, i cried in fustration and relized i was on something hard, wooden like, i moved and felt something stab my back.

Where I'm i? In a box? Ouch a splinter.

I tried to roll over but bumped on a side, i tried to move the other way but bumped the other side. I started to get agitated but instead i had to get out of this thing. I waggled my hands but no luck, i lifted them up to my face but crashed my hands into the celling.


I un-covered my mouth and began screaming "CAN ANYONE HELP ME PLEASE!!!!" my cries got louder and louder and tears dripped down like a waterfall. I used my mouth to untie my hands "YESSS!!! FINALLY" even though i was stuck in a box i made it out...some what anyway. I pressed up and off to the sides but no luck.

It was pitch dark i could save myself and no one could save me...I'm all a box.

I closed my eyes and fell into sleep


"I dont like you and i never will, it was a trick stupid i never wanted you in the first place, you're just a rebound and i can have every bitch in the world but would i want you?" John said disgustedly

I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out.

"No bitch, god, you're so retarted" John said as he made out with another girl

I shiver and closed my eyes tightly then i woke up.

John why do you even like me you probably dont even like me you only do it because you felt bad when you called me those names

I was about to close my eyes again to distract my hunger but i felt a vibration in my chest.

What's going on?

I saw i light shine threw my shirt, and i lifted up my shirt, i grabbed the phone. I was confused and happy at the same time. I answered the phone but it was a recording in a deep anonymous voice, not to mention creepy, "Your time starts now"

I heard a timer go off and I panicked banging on the top of the box asking for help to get out of this hell hole. I grabbed the phone and dialed 911.

"Hello 911 what's your emergency?" said a mysterious young lady

"HELP IM INSIDE A BOX! I NEED HELP PLEASE" my cries got deeper and I began to lose air more that I talked.

"Where are you?"

"I don't know! help me please!!!!"

"What do you hear around you?"

I steadied my voice and breathed in and put slowly. "I can hear ticking and I think my step father put me in here...hello?"

"Ok one second"

That second turned into minutes and then the call ended.

I screamed and screamed until my eyes blurred my vision with my dreaded tears. I was all alone, no one to hear my cry, no one to talk to, no one to feel my pain, I'm screaming and no one hears me, my sound, my peep....

I fell asleep hoping everything was just a dream a mindless dream but when i woke up from my deep thoughts it all came to me...."your time starts now" The ticking...SHIT! DERRICK THAT MOTHERFUCKER!

I tried to slap my forhead but failed miserbly when i hit the top of this trap you would call a box. I grabbed the phone and looked threw the contacts but there were none, the messages..none, and the calls i recieved and didnt recieve were none aswell. I looked threw the phone for any thing that could help, then there was a video of me?!

I tapped the play botton and when i saw the video all i saw was Derrick, Me, and lots of blood. "Oh my sweet, why do you weigh so little, oh well what mine is mine and it will be forever right my sweet?" Derrick said facing the camera towards me on my unconcious body face first on the ground "Ah well look! where here!" He grabbed my body and moved towards a cabin and pointed to the name and address "Look! 1999 Everforest Lane 02014, ah its so nice to be here again espicially with the person i love!" He dragged my body and all i could see was the camera giggling all over the place. I heard him throw something "ah dont you look adorible" As he pionted the camera to me in the box and lets not forget when i close the box and you answer this phone, ah you will regreat it because once your time starts it will soon end and after it ends then you willl die"

Every last word stuck to me, YOU WILL DIE, i repeated in my head. I'm gunna die? NO HE WILL NOT TAKE ME AWAY! Not today not he always did, I tried to pry open the box rip it in anyway i could but the phone rang again i picked it up with out even looking and herd a man with a heavy voice talking "M'am! CAN YOU HEAR ME DO YOU KNOW WHERE YOU ARE?" He shouted I opened my mouth but nothing came out "I mean yes! I'M HEAR!" "Ok m'am do you know where you are?" "Umm ummm i think its 1999 Everforest Lane 02014, whats going on i hear ticking and its going to stop any minute now killing me!" "Dont worry umm tell me something about yourself" WHAT IM ABOUT TO DIE! "IM ABOUT TO DIE AND THATS WHAT YOU ASK ME!!!" "RELAX M'am!!" "Umm well i did have this'boyfriend' his name was John" "John he's here with us i mean" I was about to answer when i could hear people more like thousands. "HELP!"

I saw the light shinning in, like ive never seen it before, cops caring, as if i was never cared for, and the timer still ticking I cried as they caried me out of the buliding into the abulance truck. The truck rushed off and all i could do was cry, cry for being saved, cry for being sad, cry for my life and how awful it was, i closed my eyes and didnt wake up for awhile but when i did i was in a hospital room and i saw a face, a face that made me think..Why are you hear?

"Sweety you're ok" My mom pleeded into my eyes but then they became enraged, both of ours. "Why are you hear?" I asked. She raised her hand and slapped my then grabbed a pillow and put it over my head. And this only happens to me because...?

I screamed but nothing happend I squirmed but she still didnt get off "You're never gonna leave again! Stop moving cacuse you're going no where in life you never will and no one will ever love you ever!" I felt my vison getting blurrier by the secound but i felt the pillow rise and i saw my mother being dragged away by her ankles as i fell into sleep. I awoke but heard a voice "I'm sorry, for everything, i messed up not only you're life but our relationship too, i just wanna say i'm really sorry and i hope you forgive me, not today, not tomorrow, but one day.." The misterious guy said as i felt his lips, his soft lips press against mine. I pretend i was alseep and got lost in my thoughts.

Who was he? John? Danny? It couldnt have been Danny? It was John..Yeah John

I heard a pair of footsteps "Your still sleeping huh?" I opened my eyes "Not really" I said sitting up. "Oh my gosh!" John said startled "Did i scare you?" "No i always never get scared when some one who has been not seen in a while BECUASE she's missing and awaken from her slumber that she's been in for oh i dont know 76 hours now not startle me at all" I chuckled "Yea-" I coughed, He walked over towards me "You ok?"

Yes but something bothering me...where you him?? Wait TELLL HIM THIS NOT TO YOURSELF IDIOT!

"Yeah..but umm, where you in hear earlier?" I stared at him

"Umm no..why?" John said with a comfirting smile

Who could it have been then? It could be Derrick?

I cringed at my own thoughts but felt a warm hand on mine's,"Are you ok?" "What yeah jus-" just then soft lips where pressed against mine, but not the one's from earlier.

Who's where those anyways? Who..?


Sorry guys ive been stuck on this chapter and i just couldnt go threw with what i should do but i finished, i know, i know, its not as long but im trying kk bye!!!! See you next chapter!

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