Chapter 7

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It was now 6:50 p.m.

Leonard sat at his small table in his kitchen looking over some old paperwork.

It was quiet, the way Leonard liked it. Occasionally you'll hear a distant dog bark or a police siren race by but he enjoyed it like this. Not all the time, but for right now it was calming.

Until a little sister of his would come barging in uninvited.

"Lennnny!" Lisa called as soon as she stepped into his home.

"Please come in," He said dryly. "Dont be shy."

"Oh shut up," Lisa entered the kitchen. "You love me."

"Debatable." He said looking up and putting the papers back in the folder they came from.

"Mhmm, sure." Lisa walked over to open his fridge. "You have nothing good in here."

Leonard shrugged.

Lisa plopped down on to the chair across from him, like she's done a million times before.

"Soo," Lisa opened the can of coke he hadn't seen her grab.


"How'd the date go?" She semi-shouted.

"It wasn't a date." Leonard sat back. "It was a meet up."

"Bullshit," Lisa objected. "So how'd the 'meet up' go?"

"It was, uh," Leonard gave a small smile. "I had a good time."

"Oh my god," Lisa's eyes widened. "You like her."

"I do not."

Lisa scowled at her brother.

"Okay fine, I think she's...interesting." Leonard confessed.

"When are you guys going to go out together, again?" Lisa scooted closer to her brother.

"I don't know," Leonard's brows furrowed.

"You better ask her out this time, instead of her asking you out."

Lisa's eyes started to wander and ended up stopping at the folder of papers her brother had just put aside.

A few papers are sticking out but a few words had caught her attention.

Child Brutality.
Spouse abuse.
Mob Relations.

Leonard quickly realized what had been making his sister confused and quickly gathered up the folder and started walking away from the table.

"Leonard Earl Snart, Where are those papers from?" Lisa quickly followed her brother.

"There nothing, Lisa." Leonard said annoyed.

"That's dad's file, isn't it?" Lisa said stopping behind her brother.

Leonard opened the hallway closet.

"Leave it, Lisa." Leonard said through his teeth

Leonard put the folder on top of the highest shelf, that even his sister couldn't reach.

"How did you even get it?" Lisa pried.

"Lisa." Leonard warned while rubbing at his eyebrows with his left hand.

"It's suppose to be-"

"Enough!" Leonard shouted and slammed the closet door shut.

As soon as he faced his sister, he regretted raising his voice at her. Looking at her now, heartbroken, was like seeing her 8 years old again when she had realized what kind of monster their father really was. Unlike Leonard, who hadn't really learned the type of monster their father was until he was 17.

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