Chapter 20

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Leonard awoke to the smell of fresh coffee brewing.

He stretched out his arm to see if Sara was still next to him, but there was nothing but the faint warmness of her presence. She must of just gotten up no less than 15 minutes ago.

Leonard groaned and got up to brush his teeth and to use the restroom.

When he entered his kitchen he saw what he wished he could wake up to every single morning for the rest of his life.

Sara was in one of his white muscle shirts and in her blue underwear, swaying her hips to the beat of the 70s song that was currently playing softly from the radio.

Love. Love will keep us together. Think of me, babe whenever.

Sara continued to sway her hips as she turned to face him.

Cause I really love you. Stop. Been thinking of you. Look in my heart and let Love keep us together.

She smirked at him and offered her hand.

"Wanna dance, Leonard?"

"No thanks. I'll watch," He smirked back.

"Suit yourself," She shrugged and continued to dance.

When those girls start hanging around. Start talking me down. Hell with your heart and you won't hear a sound. Stop. Cause I really love you. Stop. I've been thinking of you. Look in my heart and let love keep us together.

Leonard smiled at the scene and walked to the fridge to get out the creamer for the coffee.


"-black," Leonard finished. "I know," He gave her a soft smile.

The song finished and Sara joined him for coffee.

"What're you doing today?" Sara asked as they sat on the little window/island that connects the living room and kitchen.

"I was thinking about looking into jobs,"

"Ugh,I hate job hunting,"

"And what do you have planned today?"

"I am going to look into finding your mother with my father." Sara smiled.

"Thank you," Len put his hand on her arm. "For everything."

Sara kissed him before he can react to kiss back.

"I gotta get home, before my mom kills me." Sara said as she put her empty coffee mug into the sink.

Leonard licked his lips as he also placed his mug into the sink.

"There's an extra toothbrush under the sink, He shouted as Sara walked down the hallway.

"I know," Sara shouted back.  "I used it."

Leonard entered the room to Sara pulling on her jeans from the night before.

"I'll call you later?" Sara said as she stepped into his space and placed her hands on his chest.

"I hope," He said looking down at her.

Sara rolled her eyes and grabbed her dark blue jacket, that seemed to fit her a bit too big and had more pockets than he can count. He could hide so many things in that type of jacket. But no, that's not his life anymore.

"Drive safe," He said as he walked her out and to her car.

"I will," Sara gave him one more lingering kiss and entered her car.
Leonard waved off a good bye and reentered his apartment.


Leonard's Apartment 3:02 pm

Leonard was scrolling threw some new available jobs that can fit into his skill set, or as best as it can, through his laptop.



Air conditioning installment


Secretary for Central City News.

Haha, yeah right.

Leonard's phone began to ring.

Ring, Ring.

"Hello," Leonard said not recognizing the number.

"Yes, is this Leonard Snart?" The women said.

"This is him,"

"I'm sorry to inform you that you're grandfather has recently passed," it was quiet for a moment. "My condolences."

"What was the cause of death?" Leonard said trying to swallow the lump in his throat.

"A stroke, sir." The women answered.

Leonard sighed.

"We will need you or your sister to come claim the body and to decide for the funeral."

"Of course, have you spoken with my sister?"

"No, it was in your grandfather's will to strictly contact you first."

"Okay, thank you."

"When is the most recent day you can get here?"


"Okay, we're open from 8 to 5 on weekdays, from 9 to 4 on Saturdays and we are not open on Sundays."

"Thank you, ma'am."

And just like that, the worst news in his life was given to him.

By a stranger who had probably made 5 more of those types of calls before she got to him.

Leonard closed his laptop and rested his head in his hands.

Leonard's phone began to ring.

He didn't answer. He didn't even check to see who it was.

He sighed and headed over to Lisa's studio apartment.

Hey! Can you guys guess where that song is from? ;) and BTW the jacket that Sara is wearing.... ;)

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