Chapter 14 ♔

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♔ Antoine's POV ♔

Marisa was here. She sat there in front of me, her face looking so pale and concerned.

"Antoine. Are you okay?" She finally says.

"I'm fine Marisa" I reply, gulping for some what reason.

"I hate to see you like this. I just can't believe you got into an accident." She mentions, looking down at her lap so disappointed.

"I was in my driver's car, he was taking me out somewhere. He's injured too and I need to make sure he's okay." I say as I try to get out of the bed but she holds my hand and stops me.

"No. What do you think you're doing? Not right now. Look at you." She mentions as she pushes me softly back down onto the bed.

"How did you know I was here?" I ask her, starring at her.

She tucks her fringe behind her ear and says "Filipe called me. I came down immediately."

"Filipe.." I mumble to myself.

"Antoine. Can I say some thing?" She asks as a little smile appears on her face. I look up at her and reply, "sure, what's that?"

"The first time I ever met you, well we didn't really interact as much, but I thought you were annoying" she mentions smiling to herself. 

"Annoying? Oh. Thanks?" I smile back confused.

"Well, It was only after our phones switched. Then I had to come up with the party idea, just so I could get my phone back" Marisa laughs, her giggles making her look extremely cute.

"Really? Wow. Why were you so worried? It's not like I would go through your phone haha" I give off a little laugh, sitting up and looking at her.

"Well maybe. But you did sniff my phone" she mentions. 

Oh shit. Filipe.

"I liked the dinner and the dance in the rain. I never thought I could do that" I reply, my thoughts breaking loose.

"I loved it. That was one of my favourite days. We should do it again Antoine. I mean, you're not the greatest at dancing. I'll teach you though." she giggles, as she covers her mouth with her hands to try stop laughing but I could tell she was happy.

"Marisa?" I ask.

"What's that?" She replies, once again connecting with me as our eyes are drawn towards each other.

"Shouldn't you get going? It's getting late?" I say hastily.

"No. I'm going to stay here. With you. Till you're all good to go." She mutters and then smiles at me.

"But Mari-"

"No Antoine. Stop worrying, I said I'll stay here. Besides, you'll be bored out of your guts if you're own." She mentions, getting up and looking around the room.

I watch her as she walks, her every move. My eyes just concentrating on the way her body moves and her luscious lips, as they part a smile. 

Close to You ➳ Antoine GriezmannWhere stories live. Discover now