Chapter 2: Meet

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(l/n) means last name
(e/c means eye color

[Name] woke up the next day with mixed feelings of anxiety and joy. She got up out of her bed, dressing in appropiate clothing and grabbing her weapons. She then walked to her window, and opened it, inhaling the fresh scent of the outside world.

She then took out a pen and paper and wrote a message, or rather letter. She then rolled it together, tying the paper together. And then at exactly 7:00 A.M. sharp, a pigeon planted itself on [name]'s windowsill. She then inserted the letter at the pigeon's feet, and the pigeon flew away, with the letter at it's feet, carrying it away where it needed to be.

[Name] then walked out to the woods, just like she needed to be.

But what she saw, was something she wasn't prepared for.


                        •           •          •          •

Itachi woke up the next morning, feeling extremely exhausted yet overwhelmed with excitement. He might see [name] soon, and that was enough for him to get out of bed.

He stretched his arms back, yawning and then getting up from his bed slowly. He then opened his window, letting the sunlight and the heat shine through the window. Soon, a pigeon flew by with a paper and dropped it off by the window and then flew away.

Itachi looked suprised, yet amused and he grabbed the paper, opening it. It read..

Go to the forest now. It's urgent. You'll see what I mean soon.
                                              From,  Anonymous

Itachi stared at the note, debating whether he should go. It could be something important, or maybe something dangerous. He decided to take a chance, but he was prepared for anything or anyone that might pop up.

Itachi then walked out the woods, where he needed to be.

He heard a ruffle in a bush, and immidiately turned around to see something he wasn't prepared for.

"Crap," said a voice he thought he'd never hear again.

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