Chapter 1: Why am I not where I want to be?

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Every single day in life each of the 7 BILLION humans on the planet face a choice. The choice to improve quality of life or the choice to not improve anything seems simple, but what about the choice to study or play video games? Not as simple anymore, huh! This choice repeats itself throughout everyone's day, sneaking around and taking different forms. Should you sleep in Spanish class, especially there's nothing graded anyway? These kind of questions are common in school, and that's why people fall off of the right path. It is so easy to not do anything!

Imagine this; you are a student with perfect grades, who studies and does all the work, but when you come to school every day you see others sleeping, ignoring the teacher's notes, skimping on homework. They all attempt to cheat at the tests(unfortunately I witness this firsthand too much), and may occasionally succeed, but learn nothing! Whether or not they succeed doesn't matter though; when everyone else is sleeping you will either sleep too or feel isolated. You may start sleeping in class, which makes homework harder to do. Then you realize that if you don't need in class, you can just not do it; you're doing fine on tests anyway right? All of a sudden a test comes and you don't know the material. Combined with the points lost from sleeping and not working, this caps your grade for the class at a B, even if you stay on track after this, no matter how hard you work.

This is just one of the numerous reasons why many people in school lose points from their GPA(basically the average of your grades); the material itself isn't very difficult besides for a little rote memorization most of the time, but laziness gets in the way of success. Temptations will always be there, but some people know how to deal with it.

The good news is with proper balancing of routine this temptation issue can be fixed very easily! Some people attempt to do one large cram session to improve grades, but this is scientifically proven not to work as well. According to a UCLA(a world renowned university) cramming that causes loss of sleep will not help on that test as much as you hope it will! In the study they followed for 14 days, students reported lower academic achievement on days with more study hours, likely because of less Uj sleep.

" 'No one is suggesting that students shouldn't study,' said Fuligni, the study's senior author. 'But an adequate amount of sleep is also critical for academic success. These results are consistent with emerging research suggesting that sleep deprivation impedes learning.' "

So what does this mean? Should students lower study time for better results? Not exactly; there is a better way. With a balanced plan to study for say 30 minutes a day, the need for late night cram sessions is eliminated! Students knowing that they never have to cram to get good grades leads to a lot lower stress levels, more sleep, and even higher test scores if the studying is performed correctly.

This guide is intended to give students (at any level of school, or even unchallenged adults) a structured plan to improve their life slowly. The process will not be immediate, but as soon as the habits begin to appear you will feel the differences. Contrary to popular belief, the hardest part is not starting, but coming back day after day, until it becomes a habit; that's not the end though, because if you continue those habits until they become a part of you you will have successfully changed your life forever.

How long will it take for the method of implementing habits to work? This depends on how hard you are willing to work, how much you will keep coming back no matter how hard it is. The honest answer though is that it won't ever end; after all, success is addicting and you won't want it to end! Eventually the tough grind will become fun, and a solid part of your life that you would feel wrong leaving. I am assuming that because you are in high school you probably hope to live a long life; if you didn't then you would have tried to use your time better by now! This means that you have a lot of time in your life to improve, and after an initial few months of challenges the rest of it becomes an easy grind!

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