Chapter Sixteen

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I couldn't believe we had just had sex.

I hated that term. It was so blatant, so stern.

I made love to her. And I didn't regret it, not one bit, but it was... startling.

Rolling over, I tugged her into my arms and kissed her head. I couldn't keep it in any longer.

"I love you, Bex."

She smiled up at me.


Love. He loved me!

Was I strong enough to say it back? I felt it swelling in my heart, pushing up my throat, as if I would die if I didn't speak the words. Combust simply from the pressure of holding them within me.

"I love you, too, Mason." I kissed him gently.

We were still lying in my bed, naked under my sheets, and the silence of the house surrounded us. His fingers swept through my hair, my hands finding his shoulders blindly.

"I should go," he whispered. "Before your Mom gets home." I nodded, sad. He climbed out of the bed and found his clothes, strewn around my room. I watched him dress, and then quickly pulled on some sleep shorts and a t-shirt. He hugged me tight.

"I don't want to leave you," he said, "Especially after we just... but I can't stay here. Just... don't think I'm one of those guys who sleeps with a girl and is then gone the next morning. I want to stay the night, stay forever, with you but-"

"But you can't, because if you do Seth will bust out his shot gun and kill you." He laughed, and then kissed me again.

"I love you, I'll see you Sunday?" I nodded, and then he was gone, escaping into the frigid, black night. Sunday was much too far away.


I couldn't get this stupid smile off my face. It was as if it was permanently stitched there. Even if it was, I'd be fine.

I got home around ten, and when I did, I fell straight into bed without even changing. I could smell her on me, and I didn't want to lose that smell.

Waking up the next morning, everything felt like a dream. Surreal, floating, distant. Until I remembered that today was the day I was meant to have lunch with Dad.

I cursed and got dressed quickly, taking a shower, knowing I smelled of everything that had happened last night. I walked out into the kitchen, where Mom was sitting with a blue notebook.


Mom only used that notebook when she was planning on leaving. When she liked to plan which trinkets went into which boxes. Why did we even bother unpacking?

"Mom, what's going on?" I asked gruffly, and she looked up, startled.

"What? Oh nothing, Honey. Your father will be here soon. You can talk to him then."

A car horn honked outside and I stalked out the door to where the red sedan sat idling on the curb. I slammed the car getting inside and waited for him to pull out.

"What, no hello?" I looked over at him finally, at the man who dared call himself my Dad. He looked just like me, and I hated it. We had the same complexion, the same dark hair, the same eyes. I wished I looked like my Mom.

"Where will it be this time, huh Dad? California? Alaska? France!?" I shouted, my heart thumping hard in my chest. I knew I was escalating the situation too quickly but I couldn't take it, I couldn't stop.

"What do you mean?"

"You know what the fuck I mean!"

"Language, Mason!"

"You've dragged Mom and I around the country in the last ten years! Why are you doing this to us? Why are you ruining my life like this!?" He stared at me in shock.

"I love her," I said, more to myself than anyone else. "I love her, and you're going to take her away."

"Mason, I'm not forcing your Mother to follow me wherever I go. She never moved on, she wont give up - "

"She loves you!" I screamed, my voice rattling around the car. "She loves you, and you broke her heart. You screwed her over! You screwed us all over!" I climbed out of the car and slammed the door shut. I was done. He rolled the window down.

"Mason, please-"

"You know what? Whatever. Go wherever you like! Bex and I will make it work! Distance wont matter," I shouted, but as I did, my heart was breaking, and soon I was a crumpled mess, sobbing on the floor. My Dad stared at me, and then drove off.



I was overjoyed. Last night had been amazing.

I walked into the kitchen, a skip in my step, and snagged the box of cereal off the shelf.

"Why are you so happy?" Seth asked, suspicious. I laughed.

"Why aren't you?" He rolled his eyes.

"What do you have planned today, kids?" Mom asked, walking into the kitchen.

"Going to see a movie with Jenna," Seth said absently. I scoffed. I would never know what he saw in her.

I ate breakfast, even thought it was a little past noon, and then headed back into my room to tackle my homework.

My phone buzzed on my desk and I answered Mason's call.

"Hey," I said, happily.

"Becca," he said, his voice hoarse, but not in the turned on way.

"Mason? What's the matter?"

"I - I - I'm moving again, Bex." My heart sank to the floor. He couldn't be leaving again. We had just slept together! Just said I love you to each other. Fate wouldn't be that cruel would it?

Ah, but it would. My mantra, the one thing I knew would happen, but forced myself to ignore, had come back to bite me in the ass. No matter what happened, love would break us all.

"Where to," I gasped out, anxious.


I broke down sobbing.

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