The Call

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"What," Alianna asked as she was driving

"Nothing," I smiled

"You're making me nervous, turn the other way," she lifted her left hand and pushed my face against the window

I chuckled "Just say hi to the people and tell them what we're doing," Pointing the small camera in her face

"Sup guys, we are currently heading back to my place, and hanging out, preparing for the wedding and stuff. Just another day," I burst into a fit of laughter

*She's been spending to much time with me*


Alianna put her hand on my chest, pushing my body on the bed.

I chuckled as she put her head on my chest, "I like listening to your heart beat," she said

"Why," I asked with a smile on my face

"It reminds me that I'm not dreaming," I kissed her forehead

"You tell anyone that and I'll kill you," she threatened

After we talked to Jamilyn about everything, we went into her bedroom.

"So we're getting married in a few weeks," I said

"Yup," she gasped

"We should practice," Alianna lifted her head from my chest and looked at me

"Practice what," she asked raising her eyebrow.

"The Honeymoon of course," I  gave her a small peck on the nose

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket "Answer your phone," she ordered

I shook my head "They can wait," she gave me a death glare

"Answer your phone, your ringtone annoys me," Alianna growled

I pulled out my phone and answered

"Hello" I said in a deep voice

"Sawyer, Sawyer is that you," a feminine voice

I removed my phone from my ear "I'll be right back," I stood up and went to the hallway

"Hey Mom," I greeted

"I'm so excited, my little baby getting married. I can't wait to see you in a few days," she said in a cheery voice

"Mom, I told you its not until Halloween," 

"Well me and your dad are coming early. I can't wait to meet the lucky lady,"

I sighed "Alright, I'll see you soon bye," I quickly hung up


This was my plan all along, I'm really excited about this. It's my first time doing something like this. Hehehe

Hope you enjoy😍😊😊😂😂

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