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"Great another interruption," I groaned in annoyance

This is the second time we've been interrupted while trying to have sex.

Alianna pushed my body away lightly and sat up. I needed this so bad, to let off a little steam and a few other things.

"Do you want me to get it," Alianna asked, trying to fix a dead situation

"No, I'll get it," I jumped out of bed

I looked at my thrown clothes on the living room floor as I made my way to the front door for the second time

I swung open the door, surprise at the result, "Sawyer its so good to see you," my mother greeted me with a kiss on the cheek

"Why is there whipped cream on your face," I quickly wiped it off

"You aren't supposed to be here till later," I stated in full panic mode

"I got an early flight," she stepped in, her happy expression turned into a disgusted one

"Sawyer this place is a pig sty, you have clothes on the floor and your fridge is wide open," I quickly went to fix all the things she pointed out

"I'll go put my things in your guest bedroom,"

I stopped, forgetting my fiance was in that room naked and covered in whipped cream

"Ma," I pulled her away

"The room is a mess, let me fix it for you," she nodded and gave me another kiss

I hurried back down the hallway, finding Alianna in the lingerie, clothes in hand, and heading towards the bathroom

I spun her around, grabbing her by the shoulders "My mother is early,"

I quickly thought of an idea, and pushed her back into the room. I closed the door and put a heavy box in front of it

"SAWYER LET ME OUT," Alianna growled

I'm going to regret this later, but I can't let my mom find her like this

"I'm sorry, just give me a minute till she leaves," I begged before heading back to my mom


I shut the door behind me, Alianna glared as she put on her beanie and glasses.

After calming down my mother about the whole conversation she caught us in. I dragged Alianna back into the room

"You are an ass," she snapped

I wrapped my arms around her body "I'm sorry," she pulled away
"Yeah, whatever. I'm going home," I pulled her back, giving her a slow passionate kiss

I unbuttoned my pants, pulling them down half way. Alianna pulled away

"Did I forget to mention we aren't having sex for a while," I frowned


"Well, we were basically caught by your mother just thought that was something," I shook my head

"I'm not agreeing to this,"

She kissed my head and pout her lips "Please baby, it will be worth it in the long haul,"

I shook my head again, I couldn't handle a night without having sex with her let alone a few weeks.

"Pretty please," Alianna begged again

"Alianna, stop begging," I ordered

"Why, is that the only reason you're with me is because of sex," I groaned and rubbed my eyes

"Fine, but you have to do something for me," I looked down, hinting at what I meant

"Just tell me already," she growled

"I want you to give me a-," Alianna stopped me, finally understanding.

"I guess... An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.... A blow job for a sexless few weeks,"

Alianna went on her knees, putting her hands in my boxers and pulling out my hard member.

I let out a low moan as she blew air gently on the tip. "Sawyer, your father just pulled in the driveway,"

My mother opened the door, luckily my back is against the door blocking Alianna's body

"MA," I quickly pulled up my pants

Alianna stood up "Bye love, I'll see you tomorrow," she walked out before I could comprehend what happened

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