Big Mistake

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*A Few Days Later*

Alianna grabbed my hand as we entered through the entrance of the carnival. Her grip tightened as she saw Carly next to the cotton candy cart.

Alianna and I worked things out about the whole situation that happened with my mom.

Now Carly invited myself to the local carnival and I just had to bring Alianna along

"Hey Sawyer," Carly greeted, giving me a hug

I still continue to hold Alianna's hand as the hug continued to drag on "I thought it was just going to be me and you," she whined, finally releasing me

"Alianna really wanted to see the new haunted house with me and since the wedding is in a couple of days" trying to come up with a good excuse

Alianna raised her eyebrow, I leaned over and kissed her cheek. Carly turned away.

"So let's go then," Alianna said, trying to drag me away

"Jealousy suits you," I whispered in her ear

She scoffed at my response "My jealousy will end up with your funeral," I heard her mumble

"So where is the haunted house," Carly asked, pulling up her crop top shirt even more

"It's over here," Alianna pointed to the large tent between the Merry-Go-Round and the Ferris Wheel

Carly stood close behind me as we entered...

*Moments Later*

"Sawyer I'm scared," Carly put one hand on my arm, then one on my waist

"Remember when I use to grab your arm and wrap my hand around your waist,"

Before I could respond, a person with a muzzle on their face and holding a chainsaw ran towards us. Carly screamed, then ran away

I chuckled as Alianna walked over towards me "My psychopathic maniac," I grabbed her waist

Alianna pulled off her mask, giving me a slow passionate kiss. She pulled away

*An hour later*

As we got into the car, I put my jacket around Alianna's body as she continued to shiver from the cold.

"You didn't have to choke her" I spoke

Alianna stared at me, I could see the anger in her eyes, "What" she snapped

Before we left the carnival, Carly accidentally pushed Alianna into the water and she wasn't too happy about it

"You were too rash," I protested


I didn't have a comeback

I pulled into Alianna's driveway, she stared at me once more before saying "Thanks, today's been a wonderful day and I owe it to you"

She got out the car, leaving my jacket on the seat and left. I looked at myself in the mirror

"FUCKING SHIT," I screamed, hitting the steering wheel before driving home


I opened my front door only to find Carly once again sitting on the couch "Your mom called me here," I rolled my eyes

"You need to apologize to Alianna," I ordered

Carly stepped closer to me "Why, did you two get into a fight," she asked

"It doesn't concern you," I said

Carly smirked "You don't look happy," I rolled my eyes again

"Look Sawyer, I know when you're not happy and looks to me you're having trouble," I glared at her

"I'm only having problems because of you," I snapped 

"Not my problem your 'wife' can't swim," I took a deep breath

"Just leave, already got me into enough trouble,"

Carly wrapped her hands around my neck "Come on Sawyer, I know you miss me and I know that doesn't do most of the stuff that I use to do to you," I removed her hands

"Carly, leave," before I could say anything, Carly pressed her lips against mine

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