Kicked Out

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"This wasn't supposed to happen... this wasn't supposed to happen," I punched the nearest thing to me: a wall

My fist went straight into the wall, I pulled it out, grabbed a towel, and wiped away the blood and white dry wall.

A million things ran through my mind, but the only thing I could focus on was the memory of my baby walking out on me.

I grabbed my phone, dialing her number once again, only to have it go to voicemail

"FUCK," I threw my phone on the ground, letting it crack into pieces

I sat down on my bed, trying to calm myself which wasn't working. "Please, God, please... I'm sorry," I looked at the ceiling

I took a deep breath, grabbing my keys and running outside.


I ran toward the porch, rapidly beating on the wooden door. The door slowly opened, revealing Jamilyn

"Hey Sawyer is everything okay," She asked

"I-is Alianna here," I asked

"ALIANNA ARE YOU HERE,"Jamilyn shouted

"YEAH," I could hear the weakness in her voice, like she's been crying.

I pushed past her, running upstairs. I slowly made it towards her room, then took a deep breath

I peeked through the door, her hands covering her face. I could see a trail of red liquid running down her arm

"Leave me alone, " she groan

I stepped in, looking around realizing her room was a complete mess. I started at her mirror, it was smashed to pieces with blood on the shards

"Please look at me," My face was inches from hers, not sure how to comfort her

She put her hands down, half of her face was covered in blood, I grabbed my sleeve and quickly wiped it away. I bit my tongue, trying not to cry at her current physical state.

Alianna pushed my hand away, staring away from me. I sighed, putting my hand under her chin, making her look at me 

"Do you still love her" I stared at her intensely

Alianna took a deep breath as I tried to come up with an answer

"Do you or do you not love her" Alianna snapped

I closed my eyes tightly "Yes," letting the word slip

I love Alianna, but a part of me is still in love with Carly. When we were having sex, I felt a love I had for her a long time ago and I couldn't let that go

A few stray tears went down her face, her eyes were glossy "Get Out,"

"Ali-" my heart dropped

"I SAID GET OUT" She screamed

"Please, I'm sorry," I apologized, already knowing it was no use

I put my hand on her shoulder, only to have it slapped and pushed away

"DON'T TOUCH ME" Alianna pushed me aside, moving towards her dresser, wrapping a towel around her bleeding hand.

"You could grab your stuff now or later, but I want you gone," Alianna walked out her room.

I stared at her as she walked out the room. I looked over, grabbing a shattered picture frame from the ground. I took the picture out, putting it into my pocket.

I stood up, walking towards the door only to bump into Leianna "I don't know what you did, but get out before I get my sword," She threatened

My head hung low, walking past her, heading towards the front door

Before stepped downstairs, I pressed my ear against the bathroom door. I could hear Alianna's soft sobs

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