Carly grasped my hand tightly, trying to pull me into the fancy restaurant. "Sawyer let's go, your mother is waiting for us," she urged, pulling my body closer and closer to the entrance.

"I'm not really in the mood to be dining out," I whined. Carly glared at me, "Listen, I want to make a good impression with your mother. You will not make me look bad," I rolled my eyes and continued without protest

"Sawyer," my mom waved from a long line of people. I took a deep breath, realizing I haven't seen her since my breakup.

"Hey Ma," I smiled with a bit of bitterness in the back of my mind.

Carly gave my mom a hug before striking a conversation, "Sawyer bought me a beautiful new ring from a custom made jeweler," She flashed the ring around, letting my mom awe in amazement.

"My boy is so lucky to have a girl like you, unlike that other one. What was her name again Sawyer. Alinna.... Olinaa. It doesn't matter," she exclaimed

We waited in line as they slowly moved people to a seat. My mom and Carly ignore my presence and chatted amongst themselves. I felt I small vibration in my coat pocket. I pulled out my phone and received a glare from the women.

"Sawyer it's rude to be on your phone, I thought we said YouTube can wait," Carly ordered.

"It's just a couple of new comments on my last video, it won't take long," they turned around and continued to ignore me.

I looked down and scrolled through the comments: There's no way you're getting her back now.

I raised my eyebrow, scrolling down further to only find the same comments. I pressed a link that was attached one of the many responses.

"Alex stole the heart of a new sparrow"

I bit my bottom lip, staring at pictures of Alianna with a new guy.

'She already moved on'

My mom stared as tears swelled in my eyes. "Sawyer are you alright," my mom said, sounding deeply concern

I glared at her, "No I'm not, you're the fucking reason why I don't have my wife," I snapped.

She stood in shock by my words, Carly with a frown on her face snapped "Are you still complaining about this, forget her she is gone,"

"STAY OUT OF THIS," by now, everyone was staring. I took a deep long breath, "If you never would have brought this whore back into my life, I would have been happily married,"

"I was only-," my mom didn't finish her sentence.

"What.. Help ruin my life. I was happy and in love, but you screwed it up," I took a long look at my mom, her eyes were red from tears, but I was too angry to care.

People continue to gather around us, I could see the manager of the restaurant out of the corner of my eye slowly walking towards the commotion. "I've lost my appetite. Carly, you can find your own way home," I turned around and stormed off.

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