"Hey Sawyer," Carly sat down on my lap, rubbing her hands over my crotch lightly.

I pushed her away, she scoffed and stared, "You haven't touched me in weeks, come on what's wrong" I glared at her

"Look we need to talk about our relationship," Carly laughed

"It's so much better than your last one I know. Enough chat," She began leaving small hickeys on my neck.

I pushed her away, "I need some air," I stood up and went outside.

I slammed the door behind me and took a couple of deep breaths "You can do this Sawyer. Just break up with her,"

I started at a girl down the street as she mumbled something to her phone and quckily hung up. She quickly put her hood up

Alianna," I said loud enough for her to hear. She turned to look at me, there was a mix of sadness and disgust in her eyes.

"Um, Hey Sawyer," she turned towards me

She looked so different, her hair was back to his natural color and the piercings that she once had were all overed up

"I thought you left," I walked towards her. She looked away as I stood a couple feet away from her 

"I'm only staying for a couple of days, then going to Sydney for a while,"

'She's only out here for him' I thought to myself sadly. I cleared my throat

"Oh, well it seems you're doing good for yourself," I choked

"Yeah," she whispered silently

I took a deep breath, regaining any confidence that I had "Do you wanna go catch up while you're still here," she quickly shook her head no

"No, Sawyer you have a girlfriend and I've moved on," I felt a knife pierced through my heart and violently yanking out whatever hope I had left

In the corner of my eye, I could see Carly quickly running this way "Shit," I whispered to myself

"Hello Alianna," Carly said pulling me into a passionate kiss. I gently pushed her away without Alianna noticing

"Hello the scum of the earth," I heard her say.

A guy stepped out of a limo that just parked next to the curb, Carly started to  screaming loudly as a guy stepped out.

Carly ran over to him and continued to scream loudly and jumped up and down.

I rolled my eyes not caring what she did to her boyfriend. Alianna pushed Carly aside, grabbed 'Alex' and started making out with him

I turned away, feeling the sting of the passion she shows for him

"Are you that desperate for a guy that you would have to kiss a celebrity," Carly snapped

They both began to speak in a foreign language. I knew Alianna spoke many languages, but I didn't know she spoke Russian

The guy laughed as Carly and stared at them in confusion.

"So you're the guy who broke my Маленький дьявол heart," Alex said, wrapping his arms around Alianna's waist

I glared at him intensely, moving from his face to his hands. He stepped closer to my face

"You know... I can't decide whether to kick your ass or thank you,"

I balled my fist ready to punch him in the face, Alianna grabbed his hand before anymore could happen

She whispered something to him then recieved a nod and whispered back

Alianna stepped into limo "Blonde Bitch," Alex said. I walked over towards him to punch him in the face, but he went inside the limo

I turned away as they pulled off, "Stupid bitch thinking she could bring her celebrity boyfriend here," Carly muttered

"Shut up alright," I geabbed her by the waist roughly as slippped my tongue down her throat.

"Let's go," I growled, pulling her back into the house

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