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*Later that night*

I sat on my bed, staring at the ceiling, Carly was laying next to me half naked fast asleep.

"What the fuck did I do,"


I grabbed Carly and pushed her on the couch, taking off my shirt then throwing it on the ground.

I jumped on top of her, pinning her arms down so she couldn't move,  kissing her neck, leaving purple love bites on her pale skin trying to find her weak spot

"Moan for me," I ordered

I felt her hand on my chest as she continued to moan my name. I look off her shirt, then bra, nibbling at the tips of her breast

I sat up, slowly working my way down, spreading her legs. I put my index finger on her wet clit and began to rub it

"Ah Sawyer," I smirked again, adding another finger, thrusting quickly in and out

"Fuck me," she moaned

"Fuck, I'm gonna cu-," I felt a warm sticky substance on my fingers 

I moved my fingers inches from my face and licked them clean "You taste sweet baby," I whispered in a raspy voice 

I pulled down my pants and boxers, revealing my member in front of her. Without warning I put myself inside of her, quickly thrusting in and out

"Fuck me hard," her screams filled the room

"I'm gonna cum," I released myself inside of her and pulled out

"Fuck," I said


"God, what the fuck did I just do," I repeated to myself

I stood up and quickly put on my clothes "Fuck fuck fuck FUCK," I looked over at Carly

"Carly, wake up," I shook her arm

She pushed me away and rolled over "Carly you need to leave," I ordered

She sat up, the sheet covering her breasts, and yawned "Why,"

"This was a mistake," I said

Carly moved closer to me, putting her hands around my neck "She doesn't have to know, it could be our little secret," I pushed her away

"This was a one time thing, I need you to go," I grabbed her clothes and threw them at her

"Come on Sawyer," I pointed towards the door

She stood up, clothes in hand and kissed me on the cheek "Bye Sawyer," she walked out the bedroom


I didn't realize how short this was, 

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