Chapter Four

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Quietly, a slight breeze flows gently through (Y/N)'s window, making the drapes dance under the full moon's light. The (h/c) haired girl was curled up in her bed under the covers, blushing. "Why won't this heart slow down?" she asks as her hand clutches the clothing above her heart. Her mind thinks back to the moment earlier that evening that caused her to feel this way; her blush deepens. The now red-faced girl covers her face in embarrassment as her mind wanders back to what just occurred to her moments before.

Earlier that evening...

The (e/c) eyed girl turns around to meet those of Erwin's. Unable to speak due to his sudden appearance, she sits there gawking at him, entranced by his shining blue eyes. Quietly chuckling to himself, he clears his throat and made his way closer to (Y/N), her eyes following his every move.

"May I sit?" His voice broke (Y/N)'s entrancement.

Noticing what she has just done, (Y/N) looks down in embarrassment and lets out a quiet 'yes'. Erwin thanks her and takes a seat next to the (h/c) haired girl. For a few minutes, they sat in silence, (Y/N)'s face beet red. 'He's sitting so close, I can feel his body heat...' she thinks in her head as she looks off to her side in hopes to hide her blushing face. Then the (e/c) eyed girl realizes something. 'Why am I so embarrassed by this?' she questions herself. 'It's not as if I'm in love with him...' She looks to where Erwin is sitting and glances at him. 'I mean, yes he's handsome...' (Y/N) continues to stare at him. '...with his strong jawline and...and mysterious, entrancing blue ey-' (Y/N) shakes her head from furthering thoughts. 'What am I thinking?!' She glances back at him seeing a peaceful look on his face.

"The stars are shining bright tonight, don't you think?" Erwin comments still looking up into the night sky.

(Y/N) averted her eyes up to the sky at his comment, looking at the stars she hasn't seen in a while. She smiles softly. "I guess they do... It's been a while since I've seen them..."

Erwin turns to look at the (h/c) haired girl. "How long have you been there?"

(Y/N) continued to stare up into the starlit sky. "Two years, I believe." Erwin didn't say a word for a while, so (Y/N) glanced over to him for her eyes to widen. His electric blue eyes held anger in them, and (Y/N) didn't understand why. Erwin closed his eyes in attempt to calm himself down and turned back to the night sky, mumbling something incoherent under his breath. It was quiet again, and (Y/N) was building up the courage to ask him a question. "Wh-" her words were caught in her throat. Erwin looked over at her, his eyes seemingly to observe every detail about her. (Y/N) cleared her throat. "Why did you do it?" she asks him, looking straight into his eyes.

His eyes bore into hers. "You people didn't deserve such treatment..." He pauses for a second. His hand came upon (Y/N)'s still flustered cheeks, gently caressing it. Her (e/c) eyes widen, surprised by his sudden affection. His eyes soften as he gave her a loving gaze. "...You didn't deserve such treatment."

(Y/N)'s cheeks flushed a deeper red. "Eh!" she quietly squeaks out. Closer and closer, Erwin leans in, so close they could feel each other's breath. Embarrassed, (Y/N) shuts her eyes as she feels something soft and warm being placed upon her forehead. Shocked, she opens her eyes to see Erwin getting up on his feet. The warm feeling of his hand lingers on her cheek.

Erwin turns to get another look of her and smiles. "I wish you a good night, (Y/N)," he says and leaves. (Y/N) sits there, still processing what just happened. Soon enough, her face turned into a deeper red. After snapping out of her daze, (Y/N) finally headed back to her room hoping to get some sleep that eventful night.

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