Chapter Six

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Looking up at Erwin, (Y/N) stumbled upon her words. "S-S-So-Sorry!" she exclaimed in embarrassment as she tries to pull away from him. But to no avail, he kept a strong grip around her. "U-Um... Could you let me go?" (Y/N) requested, but the king didn't. Staring into his eyes, (Y/N) took notice that he was staring right back into hers and seemed lost in thought. "U-Um... K-King Erw-" she was cut off.

"Erwin." (Y/N) gave a look of confusion as he continued to stare at her. "Erwin is just fine. No need to add 'King' to it," he replied. She gave a nod. Finally realizing what he had done, Erwin lets (Y/N) go, a slight pink dusting his cheeks. He clears his throat. "Sorry for bumping into you."

"No, I should be the one apologizing for I was the one who bumped into you." This time, it was Erwin who gave a questioning look. "What is it?" (Y/N) asks, noticing his questioning gaze.

He shakes his head and gave a smile. "Nothing, it was just the way you spoke that surprised me. It was phrased like someone of high status would say."

After hearing his statement, (Y/N) took notice of how she said it. With slight panic, she waved her hands in front of her in disagreement. "Really? I would have to disagree..." She froze in her tracks. 'I did it again!' she thought in her head. "I-I mean... Me, speaking noble like... P-Psh..." (Y/N) averted her (e/c) eyes to the side, avoiding Erwin's intense stare.

Erwin gave her an inquiring look. He was about to question her identity when he was interrupted by one of his loyal soldiers. "Sir, you are needed in the conference room." Erwin gave a nod and looked back at the (h/c) haired girl before leaving. "Have a good day, (Y/N)."

"Y-Yeah, you too..." Once he was out of sight, (Y/N) let out a breath of relief and headed back to her room, forgetting why she was out in the first place.

- - -

A few meters from the palace was a carriage holding three people. They chatted amongst themselves along their way to King Erwin's palace.

"Ah, Celeste, my dear daughter! I am pleased to know that you have accepted this request from your father!" the man with (h/c) hair said to his (h/c) haired daughter.

The said girl gave her father a small smile. "Of course, Father. How could I not accept?"

The (h/c) haired king gave a hearty laugh. "Hahaha! Oh Philip! Isn't she just wonderful!"

The man sitting next to the king known as Philip gave a kind smile to his king. "Of course Sire, the princess is the most beautiful maiden of the land with her elegant (h/c) hair and soft (e/c) eyes. Not to mention her charming smile and personality," he sincerely replied back and gazed over to look at the (h/c) haired princess, her face a blushing mess.

The king gave another laugh. "Well of course she is! That is why I expect you to protect her with your life, Philip."

"Of course, your majesty," Philip answered.

Not a moment longer, they reached the King of Seraphim's palace gates.

My King [Demon!Erwin Smith x Princess!Reader]Where stories live. Discover now