Chapter Eight

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(Y/N) stood in her place shocked to see her twin sister; until finally she hugged her sister back with equal strength. Her (e/c) eyes watered at the surge of emotions that came to her. (Y/N) realizes how much she had missed Celeste and her warm hugs. She gives a slight sniff, and they separate from their hug.

"Celeste, what are you doing here?" (Y/N) asked her twin as she wiped away the tears that threatened to fall.

Celeste wipes her remaining tears and looks at her sister. "Father and I, along with a guard, are here to better our kingdom's relationship with the King of Seraphim. To form a relationship between humans and the Seraphims," she explained.

(Y/N) raises one of her eyebrows in question. "And what is to be done to accomplish that?" she asked Celeste though she already has a thought of what it was.

"I am to marry the King of Seraphim," Celeste states in a tone that suggests she is somewhat upset at that fact.

"Oh..." was all (Y/N) could say to her sister's words. She felt a slight pain in her chest at the thought of Erwin marrying Celeste, but it dissipates when a thought crossed her mind. Her (s/c) face contorts in confusion. "But don't you already have someone? That boy who came for you back then in the mansion? What about him?"

From this, Celeste's face fell, and she falls to her knees with her hands hiding her face. "Oh (Y/N)! I truly loathe that day!" she cries out.

(Y/N) drops to her knees too and puts a comforting hand on her twin's shoulder. "Why? What happened?"

Celeste looks up with a tear stained face and spoke, "It was all a set up by father! He paid that boy's family to come get me and take me back home!" (Y/N) was speechless at her sister's cries. Celeste lets out some whimpers and wipes her face once again. "Apparently father had this all planned out from the beginning... But... But..."

(Y/N) looks at her silent friend, who still stood beside her, in question, then looked back to her whimpering sister. "But what Celeste?"

The whimpering girl looked at her twin with her face flushed. "I cannot go through with it because... I've fallen in love..."

"With who?" (Y/N) questions her. Before Celeste could give any answer as to whom she has fallen in love with, another person's voice interrupted their conversation.

"There you are Princess! If you run off like tha-" the person didn't finish his sentence when he saw who Celeste was with. One look of (Y/N) and he stopped everything he was doing and knelt down to the ground with his right hand over his heart. "Princess (Y/N)..."

(Y/N)'s (e/c) colored eyes widen in recognition of an old childhood friend she and Celeste would often play with. "Philip..." The (h/c) haired girl looks back to Celeste to see the loving look she gives to the still bowing figure. 'Ah, I see...' she thought to herself upon her realization. "It has been a long time," (Y/N) says to Philip.

"Yes it has," he answers still kneeling on the ground.

(Y/N) stands up with Celeste and lets out a sigh. "Really Philip... We've already been over this for millions of times back then. There's no need for you to kneel," (Y/N) states with a huff while Celeste lets out a giggle.

Philip looks up with a devilish smirk and speaks, "Oh I know. I just wanted to annoy you is all."

(Y/N) chuckles. "Well, I am not annoyed to tell the truth." Philip gives a playful pout of sadness. The (h/c) haired girl looks over to her sister. "Still the same old Philip I see..." (Y/N) commented to her twin. Celeste just gave a nod as she continued to giggle. She smiles at the happy face her twin now adorns compared to her crying one a few moments ago. "Oh yes! Let me introduce my friend." (Y/N) gestures to the black haired girl that stood beside her.

Mikasa gives a slight bow of greeting. "Mikasa Ackerman. Nice to meet you two," she greets as she looks over to both Celeste and Philip.

Celeste and Philip also gives a bow. "Nice to meet you, Mikasa! As you probably know already, I am Celeste, (Y/N)'s twin sister..." Celeste starts first.

Philip follows shortly after. "...And I am Philip, an old childhood friend of these two and one of the royal guards of the Kingdom of Serenia." Both Philip and Celeste give Mikasa a big, warm smile, and Mikasa returns with a barely visible one. "Now, I have a question." Everyone looks at Philip, mentally telling him to continue. He looks over at (Y/N). "What are you doing here?"

Celeste puts a hand over his broad shoulder and shakes her head. "Let's not talk about this..." she says solemnly.

(Y/N) gives a sigh. "No, it's quite alright," the (e/c) eyed girl reassures her twin and then began telling her story once again.

Like Mikasa, Philip listens intently to his old friend's story. When it had come to an end, he lets out a sad sigh and looks at (Y/N) with pity. Without words being spoken, he comforts her with a brotherly hug he has done many times before when they were younger. He releases from the hug and patted her shoulder.

"Don't you fret. Everything will be better from here on out, now that Celeste and I are here," Philip states confidently.

(Y/N) gives a small smile at his comforting words, though she already knew that the words he spoken can never come true. The (h/c) haired girl has always known that every time happiness comes her way, it gets taken from her, and all that is left for her is her sadness and loneliness.

"Philip! Celeste!" the four of them hear someone calling for the two names mentioned. "Celeste, my dear daughter! Where are you?!"

At the sound of his voice, (Y/N)'s face contorts into sadness. The forgotten memories of never receiving her father's love rushes back to her. Her beating heart wretches in pain, the bandaged wounds of her heart reopens and cries out in agony of the memories. The (e/c) eyed girl looked over to her twin and the guard.

"You two should get going. Father is looking for you two."

At her statement, Celeste shakes her head in defiance. "No! You are coming with us!"

(Y/N)'s eyes widens at her sister's words. She then too shakes her head. "No Celeste. I cannot," she replies solemnly.

Celeste grabs onto (Y/N)'s (s/c) hands and holds onto them tightly. "It will be fine! Once we tell Father your predicament, he is sure to help you!"

(Y/N)'s eyes hardened at her twin's words. She pulls her hand away from her sister and gives Celeste a hopeless smile. (Y/N) shakes her head. "No Celeste, you're wrong... Father won't help me..."

Celeste gives her a look of confusion. "What do you mean, (Y/N)? Why would Father not help you?"

"Because he's the one who caused all this..."

"W-What do you mean Father caused all this?"

Annoyed by her twin's ignorance, (Y/N) yells out, "I mean what I meant by saying he caused all this!" At the sound of her voice, Celeste shrinks away in her spot from her sister.

(Y/N) huffs in her spot, taking deep breaths to calm herself and to keep the tears from forming. Mikasa puts a comforting hand on (Y/N)'s shoulder, not used to seeing her (h/c) haired friend this emotional. Everything was quiet until Philip decided to speak up.

"What do you mean by that (Y/N)? How did his majesty cause all this?" Before (Y/N) could even speak out, a booming voice all too familiar to her was heard in the garden.

"Celeste, my daughter! There you are!"

(Y/N) flinched at the sound of her father's voice and cowers back into the background. Coming out from the hall was a man of big stature with (h/c) hair, that had some grey peaking through, and stern (e/c) eyes. He was dressed in clothing that was worn by royalty such as him. Behind him was Erwin and the two who were with him on the day (Y/N) and the others were released.

"Father," Celeste mumbles out.

My King [Demon!Erwin Smith x Princess!Reader]Where stories live. Discover now