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2 Weeks Later
     I literally woke up in pain, a horrible, intense pain. It was coming from my stomach. I was alaying in bed when it started. I flipped back the covers and the bed was wet.

"Fuck I mumbled"
I grabbed my phone and called Tamia, it ranged for a minute and she finally answered.

"Is it time? She questioned"
"Yesss i screamed into the phone"
"Okay cranky Im on my way. Call your husband she said before hanging up"

I dialed his number as I was getting out the bed.

"Yes baby He questioned" I was doing my breathing.

"It's time is all I could say."

"I'll meet you at the hospital he said" I was in so much pain breathing and walking.

I grabbed the diaper bag that was already packed 3 days ago. My other little princess was going to be here in due time.

"Fat Mama I'm here Tamia yelled" I looked at her crazy as the contractions started t hit me.

"Ugh lets hurry up before I have her right here, where I'm staying I said I pain"


I been here for some hours and I'm only 3cm. Rae had called the whole family to the damn hospital AGAIN. Another episode where everybody can see my pussy. This shit happened the last time when I was pregnant with Monroe.

"Uggggggghhhhh I moaned throughout the room"

"It hurts I said as tears streaming down my face." My momma came over and rubbed my head and tied to calm me.

Rae been holding my hand for the past hour. Tamia and Hasan was on their phones waiting patiently for this big head little girl. The boys and Monroe was on the way, Stephanie and my brothers.

"I need to walk around I said" Rae and My mom helped me up out the bed. Rae and I started walking down the hall like towards the nurses station to keep me dilating.

"Mom I heard from behind me." I turned around and saw Momo and the boys walking up behind me.

"Can I hug yo Momo questioned" I nodded. She gave me a soft hug.

"So how much are you dilated? Rodney asked"

" 3 stinking centimeter I rolled my eyes"

"How long y'all been here? Kaleb asked"

" Three hours. Rae said" They all ughed. They walked away after I said that.

We finally made it back into the room. I was still in pain and I was trying to do it natural, like I had Monroe but the pain was getting where I needed the epidural. I laid in the bed and tried to go to sleep.

*Knock Knock Knock*

"Come in Rae said" The door opened and it was Stephanie, Andre, Ryan, DeAndre, Steve, Marcus, Kendall and Kendra my twin nieces.

Thy had stuffed animals and balloon and shit all throughout the room.

"Hey sis Stephanie said kissing me on the forehead." She had a gift basket in her hand. She sat it next to my bed.

"Thank you baby sister I said"

My brothers one by one came over and gave me a kiss and hug. They was feeling generous and shit. Last time they watched me in pain and shit was laughing hard as fuck.


It was going on 5 a clock. And she still bullshitting. Rae was laying next to me in the bed, Stephanie and Tamia was on the couch sleep. My mom was in the recliner sleep. We been here since 11 this morning fooling with this child.

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