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Next Morning

I woke up fucking drunk, not tipsy, fucking drunk as fuck. Tamia was the same as me, and we was both downstairs, with sun glasses, drinking coffee, and listening to Hassan bitch about us coming in at 4 in the morning.

" Y'all asses, don't walk in the house at no 4 in the damn morning again He said before walking out the kitchen" We both flipped him off, as he walked out.

My phone started ringing and we groaned loud, I picked up my phone and I looked at it. It was Devil texting me, i opened the message.

Devil : Hey its Devil, im the nigga that you want.

Me : Oo really now, what makes you think I want you?

Devil : Bekause I saw the way you was lookin @ a nigga. Shit I ain't goin lie, but you was lookin bad asf lastnight.

Me: Thanx love but wassup.

Devil : I wanted to know if you wanted to get breakfast with me? My treat.

"Should I really go to breakfast with him I thought"

1 and half hours later

" I'm grown, can't nobody tell me what, I can and cannot do Devil said" I laughed

"Oh you grown alright Devlin Mccoy i said" He frowned at me.

"Okay Ms.Jazmin Castle"

We were at the Waffle House, eating and laughing. I don't know people think he is so evil, he is so sweet.

" But, i can't believe I'm sitting here with the Famous Model Jazmin Castle" I blushed.

"Well thank you, but that was over 4 years ago. I still can't believe you remember that I said" He smiled.

" I will always remember a beautiful face like yours he said" I smiled.

Both of our phones started ringing, i looked down at it and it was King calling me. I answered it

Me Yes son? What do you need.

King : Mom i need to borrow a hundred dollars. I need to pay Kalebs car insurance.

Me : Yeah you know where it is.

King : Okay, ill pay you back .

I hung up and looked at the time.

" Oh, I'm sorry Devlin I have to go I said getting up from the table." He got up also.

"Here ill walk you out. He said dropping some money on the table" He put his hand around my waist.

He walked me out, we said our goodbyes and i got into the car and drove towards downtown.

One Month Later. . .

Jazmin Pov

"Mom, King won't leave me alone Momo yelled" I laughed

"What is he doing to momma's girl? " She rolled her eyes at him.

"He over here bugging me" I laughed.

"King leave her alone for me thank you. I said dismissing them " They both smacked their lips and walked off.

We have moved in the new apartment, like two weeks ago. The kids are some what happy we moved, but then they liked living the high life.

"Y'all im going to go take a nap i yelled as was walking down the hall to my bedroom.

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