Chapter 12

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Stiles' POV

After the whole thing at school Lydia and i went to my house. We've been watching a movie for the past hour "Stiles do you think we'll be able to stop the Deadpool" Lydia blurted out, i could tell that this was bothering her for awhile. I paused the movie and looked at her "I know we will" i said then kissed her on her forehead and she just gave me a hug.

The Next Day

I woke up before Lydia, i got out of bed quietly trying not to wake her up. I was getting Peter's scent and plus I heard another heartbeat besides mines and Lydia "babe wake up" i said as i gently shock Lydia, she woke up and looked at me confused "what's wrong" she weakly asked "Peter's in the house" i whispered "wait....why" Lydia asked as he sat up "I don't know" i told her. She got out of bed and we both went downstairs to see Peter sitting on my couch "good morning love birds" he said smirking "how the hell did you get in here" Lydia asked "that's not important is why im here" Peter said "ok and why is that" I asked "when i got back i was informed that you and your betas are werewolf-kitsune hybrids" Peter said as he got up from the couch, when he said that the scent of hate came from him "ok that doesn't tell us why your here" i said then crossed my arms "I think i can help you" He said all weird "how" Lydia asked "I know where you can find a hybrid just like you" Peter told us "how' i asked "that's not important but i do" he said crossing his arms "yea i do t trust you nor believe you " i said smirking "come on wouldn't it be helpful for you and your betas to meet another hybrid" Peter argued smiling creepy. The part that im not getting is why Peter is being so nice right now, i mean i hate him and i know he hates me but unfortunately he made sense. "fine give me the address" i sighed, he pulled out a piece of paper out of his pocket and handed it to me, i read it and was shocked "Mexico" I said "yep have fun " he said sarcastically then left my house "should we go" i asked Lydia "well yea maybe whoever this is could help" she answered smiling. I got my phone and texted Kelly and Ashley

Stiles : hey meet me @ my house in a hour

Kelly: is something wrong

Ashley: why??

Stiles: nothing bad happened, i'll tell u guys everything when u get here

Ashley: k see u

Kelly: fine see u

"OK they'll be here in a hour" i told Lydia

Ashley's POV

I drove to Stiles house. When i got there Kelly was just pulling in, we both got out our cars "what do you thinks going on" Kelly asked, i just shrugged. We entered Stiles' house and no one was downstairs "Stiles we're here" i yelled, he came down the stairs "OK whats going on" Kelly asked. After Stiles explained what happened i was confused "wait i thought you don't trust Peter" i said " i don't" Stiles said, what the hell. Lydia came down the stairs "So why are we going then: Kelly asked "cause he wasn't lying about this maybe this person could help us" Stiles explained "OK guys let's go" Lydia said eagerly. We all got into Stiles' jeep then he started to drive.

Couple hours later

I woke up with Kelly sleeping on my shoulder, i gently pushed her off of me "how long have we been in this car" i asked annoyed "maybe 2 hours" Lydia answered "we're soon there" Stiles added. I guess i fell back asleep cause i was woken up by someone saying my name "Ashley, Kelly get up we're here" Stiles said and so we did. Once we got out the car we saw a small house with black cars at the sides. When started to approach the house, two big men got out of the cars with guns "why are you here" one of the men asked getting closer to us " uh we need to talk to the person who lives here" Stiles said "why..... do you even know the person ho lives here" the other man asked "no not exactly but a friend told us we can come here for answers" Lydia said "what are you" one of the men asked. Before Stiles could say anything a girl opened the door of the house "you guys come in" she said "are you sure" one of the men turned around and asked her "yes i know what they are" she replied. The two men stepped out of out way and we walked to the house.

Stiles' POV

Once we entered the girls house we sat down "you 3 are werewolf-kitsune hybrids aren't you" the girl asked pointing at Kelly, Ashley and I, i just nodded "and you're a banshee" she said looking at Lydia "how would you know that" Lydia asked "i caught all your scents and plus i sensed those 3" the girl said looking over at Ashley, Kelly and I "you sensed us" Ashley asked confused "yea its a hybrid thing , couple months ago i started getting a weird feeling like a connecting with you 3. I knew it was a hybrid connection cause.... i had the same feeling with my family" the girl said "so you mean to tell me we have a connection, how come i don't feel it" Kelly asked "it takes awhile to process the different feelings you can have with this connection" the girl said "whats your name" i asked "Kaitlyn but you guys can call me kat" kaitlyn said smiles "and your names"she asked. Kat looked like she was around our age and had brown hair and icy blue eyes, we told her our names and introduced our selves "so you guys are turned hybrids but turned by who" Kat asked "its complicated " i answered. As I explained everything about how i became a hybrid she looked amazed "I've heard about you.... you're the one who survived the Nogitsune's possession" kat said in amazement, i just gave her a small smile in response. "So why are u guys here" kaitlyn asked changing the subject "well we were wondering if you could tell us about werewolf-kitsune hybrids" Lydia asked. Kaitlyn explained the basics that we already knew "i don't know how to say this in a nice way..... don't be stupid" kat bluntly said "pardon" Kelly said "Don't trust everyone k cause some people will just use you for your powers" kat explained "And i know what your thinking 'it sounds like she's talking from experience' well i am" kat yelled "sorry" she added once she notice she raised her voice "what happened" Lydia asked "One day a group of men came to my family home in Beacon Hills  and started killing everyone, my family fought back but all my family died that day" Kaitlyn said "i remember hiding in my room terrified until a Alpha werewolf who as my mom's friend came and got me, i asked her who did this and she told me....i think Peter hale" she added. i smelt the grief and sadness coming off of her "wait did you say Peter Hale" Ashley asked " yea...why" kat answered confused, Lydia and i exchanged a look "he's the one who gave us your address" Kelly said. Kat stood up and started pacing back and forward "i have to move again....shit" kat mumbled to herself still pacing, i knew we couldn't trust Peter he's always planning something "did he say anything about me personally" kat asked "no when we asked him how he knew where to find you he said its not important" i told her "what the hell i'm I gonna do now" kat asked "do you have anywhere else to go" Lydia asked her

Lydia's POV 

" I've moved 4 times the only place i have is my family home in Beacon Hills" Kaitlyn said "we live in Beacon Hills why don't you come back with us" I offered, Stiles gave me a strange look "doesn't Peter live there why would i go" Kat asked "cause you have no where to go" I said "Lydia can i talk to you" Stiles said. We both stood up and walked into kaitlyn's kitchen " why would we take here to Beacon Hills..... to make it easier for Peter to kill her" Stiles said giving me a look " cause she has no one plus we don't Peter is gonna try to kill her" I explained " Lydia are you sure" Stiles asked me and i just nodded. We both walked back into the other room " do you wanna come to Beacon Hills with us" Stiles asked kat "well yea i have no where else to go" kat sighed "Great" i said. I just hope this works out well.  

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