Chapter 15

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Stiles' POV

Next Day

Lydia and i were at the lake house, we told Parrish everything about the supernatural last night. "ok it's 10 am what do you wanna do" Lydia asked smiling "wanna watch a movie" i suggested "Sure" she replied then we both went to the living room. I sat down and my phone buzzed, i checked and it was a text from my dad

Dad: Hey we found Garrett you might wanna get to the station right now

Me: sure omw

"hey Lyds the movie is gonna have to wait, my dad texted they found Garrett i have to get to the station" i explained to her "oh god i'm coming with then" she said "ok then let's go" i said 

** At The Sheriff's Station**

once we got to the station we saw Scott waiting outside of my dad's office "hey" i called out "hey guys" he  responded "what are you doing here" Lydia asked "the sheriff called me" he said. my dad came out of his office and gave us a look "follow me" my dad said and so we did. We followed him to the cells "ok Garrett asked to talk to you guys over a lawer for some reason so you guys have 10 minutes" my dad explained "ok" Lydia answered then we the room to see Garrett handcuffed in one of the cells "whoa you guys actually showed up" Garrett said shocked "what do you want" Scott asked harshly "hey relax i called you guys here to help you" he said smirking "how could you help us while you're behind bars" lydia asked

Scott's POV

"Scott have you called Liam since your little pack meeting" Garrett asked. Oh god. "And Stiles have you Ashley and Kelly talked recently" he added. We all pulled out our phones to one of them "no answer" Lydia blurted out "same" i added, Stiles put his phone in his pocket "i swear if you did anything to them-" Stiles as his eyes were glowing red until Garrett cut him off "what... you're gonna kill me. That would just prove Peter right that you as a hybrid is dangerous and should be killed" Garrett stood up and said, he then walked right up to the bars "anyways i don't think you could" he added looking dead at Stiles smirking. "Try me" Stiles said evilly, he was moving closer to the cell but Lydia grabbed his hand before he could "where are they" I asked trying to get the attention off of Stiles "somewhere you would never think of but i'm willing to make a deal for  their location" Garrett smirked "what type of deal" Lydia asked still holding Stiles hand. I notice that he calmed down to Lydia's touch, good thing she was here. "they said that they're transferring me tonight so i need you guys to stop the van, break me out and get me my money" Garrett explained "you want us to stop a police vehicle and break YOU out" Stiles asked trying to clarify "yea and don't forget my money" Garrett said smiling.

Lydia's POV

"You're insane. No we're not doing that" Stiles said shaking his head "come on Stilinski you've done a lot worse than that" Garrett said smirking at Stiles. I felt his hand shifting in my grip so i squeezed his hand a little "ouuu did i hit a nerve... did i bring up old memories" Garrett teased "Shut up" Stiles said aggressively, i'm pretty sure we all knew Garrett was referring to void Stiles. "We're not doing that Garrett" Scott simply said "ok fine have fun looking for them hopefully you find them alive..... you have until 9 to change your minds" he said as he sat back down. We were leaving the room when Garrett said something else "don't even think about finding them by scent we already took care of that problem" Garrett said with his head bowed. "What now" I asked once we were out of the room "we go look for them" Scott said "how we don't even know where to start... you guys can't even find their scents" I argued. It was quiet for a couple minutes until Stiles said "remember when kaitlyn said that as Hybrids we have a connection to each other", "yea but she also said it takes awhile to process that connection and everything it comes with" i argued " Lyds we have to.... ok Lydia and i will go to Kaitlyn's house and you Scott get the others and start looking around" Stiles ordered. I just hope this all works out      

hey guys i actually finished writing out all the chapters for this story now i just have to publish them. 6 more chapters guys. good thing schools over and i do summer school only half day. anyways hope you guy like it.

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