Tales of Silver and Purity

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[A/N: I hope these aren't too annoying. Anyway, so a "hart", in case any of you are wondering, is a male deer. It's another word for "stag". As for any other questions you might have, they should be answered in this chapter. Maybe. heh heh *licks you all*]

Pan caught Gem before she hit the ground and looked down at her, terrified.

"Gem? Gem? GEMMA!"

He was frantically shaking her now as he tried to revive her. Peter picked her up and ran her into the camp. The boys were waking up by now and noticed as he ran in holding Gem in his arms, clearly concerned. 

"What is it, Pan?"

"Is Gemma gonna be all right?"

Jonathan saw her and jumped up to run to her when Felix grabbed his hood to pull him back.

"PAN! What did you do? Is she going to be all right? Is Gemma OK?"

Peter ignored all of them and carried her into his dwelling before placing her on his bed and sitting down next to her. His hands hovered over her, they were glowing green. Suddenly, his head shot back and he got a vision of the hart leading Gem to the water and dissolving to silver dust before entering the water, and finally Gem entering the water to retrieve the source of the glow on the water pool's floor. The vision finished with the hart's face looking at Pan and then it morphing into Gem's. His head snapped forward once it was done and his tears began to run freely. He looked up to see Gemma looking at him with a content smile and warm eyes. She held her hand out and cupped his cheek. He grabbed it tenderly and looked at her with a smile as warm as hers.

"The heart of Neverland."  He whispered.

Gemma nodded.

"Led to by a hart." He choked a laugh.

Gemma smiled down at him.

"The white hart has bowed to you and has stayed by you all these years. You are the heart of Neverland. You are the innocence, the purity. You are exactly what we need." Peter leaned up and kissed her forehead.

Gemma sighed as his lips touched her skin.

"You are exactly what I need." He whispered, his lips still against her forehead.

"Oh, Peter. Don't you know I have needed you all along?" She asked as he pulled away.

"But you had Geffy."

"Geffy, my guardian and longest and truest friend." Gem sighed contently. "But you. You have awoken me. There's something about you, Peter Pan." She scrunched her nose up in joke mockery. "And I am going to find out what it is."

"Likewise, love." 

Peter stood up and looked down at her, and then at her pendant. It was pulsing, to the beat of her heart he imagined. He looked into her icy blue eyes. They were so bright next to her ivory skin, so bright from her spirit within. He did notice they seemed more livelier than when she first got there. He smiled one last time before walking out into the opening. Felix was talking to Jonathan who was sitting on a log with one hand in his hair, making the shaggy, sandy locks to point in odd directions. When he heard Pan enter he stood up and stormed towards him. 

"What did you do?" He yelled.

Pan kept a level face and ignored him as he walked past and into the center of the clearing.

"I have something to tell you. It might not come as a shock, or it might. I'm not sure. But we have found ourselves the heart of Neverland."

A chorus of muttering crossed over the boys.

"How is that not a shock?"

"Good question, Craig." He took as step to the side with his hands behind his back. "It's not a shock because the heart of Neverland is none other than our dearest and warmest member. Gem."

A gasp sounded throughout and Felix cleared his throat.

"How can she be the heart of Neverland?"

"As we all know Gemma had a dog named Geoffrey whom she called Geffy and they were the best of friends. He was large, white, loving, and loyal."

"Had?" Jonathan took a step forward.

Peter ignored him. "Well, last night Geffy was missing. I assume that at least because I had heard a distant bark and when I came outside both Gem and Geffy were gone. Anyway, when I got to where she was -- which was the water pool -- I saw her standing there in the middle with her back turned and looking down at something. When she turned around I saw the brightest face I could imagine. She was so happy, the face of every loved child on Christmas morning."

A couple boys flinched.

"And then she walked out, yes, she walked out of the water and up to me where I noticed she was holding a glowing pendant that was pure silver and just radiating the purest magic I have ever felt. I didn't know what I was doing but I grabbed the chain and put it around her neck and a silver glow shone in her eyes briefly. Then, she passed out. Which is where I came in running and our beloved, and loyal Jonathan came running in accusing me of hurting her."

Jonathan's face had gone red. Peter walked up to him and placed his hand on his shoulder before walking away.

"When I brought her to my room and had placed her on my bed--" Jonathan's face shot up, angry again. "Don't you look at me like that, Jonathan! Anyway, when I placed her on my bed, she was still passed out so I decided to read her to see what was wrong when a vision of a white hart came to Gem and led her to the pool before turning into a silver shimmering light and entered the pool in which she entered to retrieve the object at the bottom." He paused. "It has come to my attention, through the power of Neverland herself, that Geffy was the white hart. He was guiding her and reading her himself. The white hart has bowed to her. The white heart has led her to her destiny." 

Peter turned around, "am I correct, Gemma Berring of the Winchester Kingdom?"

All the lost boys turned before gasping and pulling off hoods and hats and bowing their heads. Gemma walked forward and smiled at them all. "Honestly, lift up your heads."

A nervous chuckle was heard throughout. Gem walked to stand by Peter. Her hair was down and in its natural, brunette waves. The full moon was shining down on her that made her seem like a moon goddess manifested. 

"Seriously, guys. I'm your same Gemma. I am the heart of Neverland but I will always be your Gemma. Don't treat me differently. Please." She was nearly begging.

Jonathan looked up and ran towards her and wrapped his arms around her waist, tears pouring down his cheeks. "Aw, Gemma! I was so afraid!"

"I heard. Yelling at Pan." She lightly took his chin in her hand and lift his head up towards hers. "Very brave of you." She then kissed him on the forehead. Gem looked over at the lost boys. "Alright, enough excitement for tonight. Off to bed."

The all groaned but reluctantly went to their sleeping areas. Gemma sat on a log next to the fire, Peter sat next to her. And then, Gem began to sing. She sang slightly louder as to fill the whole clearing so they all could hear, but also as a comfort to herself. Pan was sitting next to her with his eyes closed, listening to her lullaby. When the song finished he opened them and looked at her.

"Beautiful." He whispered. 

She looked back at him before resting her head on his shoulder. He wrapped his arm around her until she was almost asleep. The fire was nearly dead by now and Gem had begun shivering so Pan picked her up and carried back into his hole. He lay her on his bed before taking refuge at his desk. Gem was awake enough to protest but honestly didn't want to. She curled up in his blankets and before long she was lost in dream world of silver and green eyes.

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