Hold Me

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[A/N: Thank you to all my twitter peeps who are reading this because they are awesome and love me and stuff and wanted a new kind of PP fanfic. You mean the world to me. And anyone else reading this that enjoys it. Thank you. <3]

Gem's eyes watered up. She wrapped her arms around Peter in a hug. He was surprised at first but awkwardly hugged her back.

"Thank you, Peter." She said. "Thank you." 

"You're welcome, Gem." He whispered.

Her tears were seeping into the front of his shirt. She finally pulled away, embarrassed. 

"Ah. I'm sorry." 

He waved away her concern. "It's all right. It'll dry."

"You know, I really hope Jonathan is OK."

Peter lifted an eyebrow. "I'm sure you'll meet again."

She smiled at him. Peter stood up and held out his hands. Geoffrey stood up to allow Gem to get up as well. Gem took his hands and he pulled her up with slight too much force. She stumbled and he caught her. Her hand was resting on his chest which was firm. She could feel her heart racing and was sure he could feel it. Peter didn't seem to notice anything though because his face didn't change and he let go. "Let's get back."

Gem nodded, disappointed.

He put his arm around her waist. 

"You know, no one calls me that anymore."



She wanted to ask what he meant but the familiar lightheaded feeling passed over her and they were back at camp. He let go of her waist and walked to his hideout carved in the hollow of a dead tree. Gem sighed and walked over to the spot she was sitting at before Peter brought her to the cliff. She groaned as she realised her hair was already mostly dry. Also, that Peter had brought Geoffrey with them. He was following close behind. His large stature caused the lost boys to look at him warily. Gem set to work on her hair which was dampish-dry and was a Hell of knots. Geoffrey sat next to her loyally, like a jackal statue in Ancient Egypt.  She had gotten most of the tangles out when Felix walks up to her cautiously. Gem looked up and noticed his caution. 

"Don't worry. He's a sweetheart. Just don't hurt me and he won't hurt you."

Felix laughed nervously and held out his hand.

"Don't be nervous. They can sense nervousness which in turn makes them nervous. Go ahead. He's the sweetest dog."

Felix placed his hand on Geoffrey and started petting him. Geoffrey's tail was wagging. He licked Felix's hand and Felix noticeably relaxed. Gem assumed Felix was being the tough guy to brave the giant, man-eating-looking dog because a couple different guys started coming to greet him sporadically.

"His name is Geoffrey. He's the best friend I ever had."

Geoffrey was loving the attention as everyone fawned over him.

"What kind of dog is he?"

"Irish Wolfhound."

"How old is he?"

"He's 6. He's pretty old. Their lifespan is up to 10 years."


Gem noticed another boy sitting on a log alone. 

"Excuse me, guys." 

She got up and walked over to him. He noticed her coming over and turned around, almost nervous.

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