On Watch Out

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[A/N: Hallo! So I am very sorry about the wait. I have been meaning to update but have only been putting it off. I am so excited for what I have in store for y'all. Ehehehe *licks you all* Enjoy!]

Gemma POV

The rest of the night consisted of games and the Lost Boys dueling. Gem watched them as they climbed ropes and roughhoused. She was sitting in a tree and was carving into a stick she had found. Peter was MIA and she couldn't be bothered to allow herself to think of him. Eventually the sun began to set and Gem jumped down from the tree. Jonathan ran up to her, hugging her. 

"Goodnight, Gemmie."

"Goodnight, Johnny." She kissed the top of his head and walked over to her tree.

While inside she curled up under the covers and slowly drifted into a dreamless sleep.

The next morning.

Gemma crawled out of bed and changed into a new outfit before ascending up the stairs and out into the campground. Felix was leaning on the tree and was holding swords in both hands.

"I think it's time you train."

"Good morning to you, too."

"After breakfast."

She smiled and shook her head and joined the boys at the fire. They finished eating and Gem followed Felix to a clearing away from the other lost boys in the camp. He threw her a sword and she caught it. Felix walked over to a tree and began hitting, stabbing, "dodging". Gem's eyes went wide. 


He jumped back, startled. "What?!"

"STOP HURTING THE TREE." Her eyes were watering. She didn't know how but she could feel the pain and agony radiating off of the tree. It was like she could feel its pain and she just couldn't take it.

"It's just a tree."

"JUST A TREE?" Tears were pouring down her cheeks now. She waved her hand and a dummy created from debris that lined the clearing materialized in between them. "Let's just train with this. Please." 

Felix raised an eyebrow but nodded. He took the stance he'd done before and began doing the same thing he had before to the tree at the dummy, describing everything he did. Gem watched, taking in each move. Felix then stepped back and told her to do the same. She succeeded with little fault. They kept doing that until after 2 hours they were dueling each other, laughing and having fun.

Peter walked out of his tree house, noticing them. He let in a deep breath. "


"What?" He turned around, startled. 

"I need you on watch out all day."

"Can I go after training with Gem?"

Gem watched as Peter refrained from snarling.

"You're my best Lost Boy. I need you on the parameters watching out for Esmerelda."

Gem felt a twinge of envy at the sound of Peter saying another girl's name, even if there was no affection in it. She missed him still.

Felix sighed. "Alright."

Peter nodded once and walked back inside. Gem was gripping the hilt of the sword so tightly her knuckles were white. 

"See you at supper, Gem." He smiled and ran out of camp, his sword switched with his club.

Gem nodded and walked over to the fire. She laid her head on a log and relaxed to the sound of the fire crackling and the boys and their games.

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