She WHAT? (Ch 5)

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Aaron P.O.V:

I laughed as she ran down the hallway, yet inside my wolf Byron howled in pain and anger. I can not believe that she is my mate. 

"Nice going Jackass", Byron murmured sarcastically.

"What, what the hell?" I thought back to him. Yes, we can talk to our wolves, it's like having two people consuming one body. Say if something went wrong in your day, you could just  talk to your wolf to make yourself feel better. The wolves even had their own names.

"Hmm, I wonder what Sanatalia's wolf name is?" I thought.

"You'll never know, dumbass, because you rejected her, nice going, I just lost my mate because of you, God you make me feel disgusted", he shouted at me in anger and pain.

I winced mentally and Byron sighed. "Why did you do it?" He asked suddenly. "I, I-, uh, I guess I wasn't ready for it, I don't want a mate right now", I sighed. "That was your Alpha Female dummy, and what do you mean you don't want a mate right no, do you just want to sleep around and seriously did you have to reject her, couldn't you have just asked her to take it slow or something?" He shouted.

"Byron, BYRON", I shouted mentally as he continued to rant and rave. He stopped and said, "Well, nice going d-bag, I'm hardly going to talk to you until you get her back, I'll still shift but I won't talk because of you", he said stubbornly. I sighed and rubbed my forehead. "Fine Byron, you do that", I murmured and the bell rang. Obviously I had stood here talking to my wolf for a whole period. I grabbed my stuff and went to the last class of the day: Science.

That passed quickly and I walked to my locker. Krissa was waiting at my locker. She was wearing a tank top and jeans that clung to her so much, and black pumps. I just don't get how females can walk in those. "Hey babe, how are you?" She asked. "Fine", I murmured as I packed my stuff. "Let's go", I murmured and we walked out of school.

Kieran wasn't there so he must have already gone. "You are coming over, right?" Krissa asked and I nodded. 'Yay MATE! I get to see mate!"Byron cheered and I shut him up. We walked over to my black Camaro Convertible. I reversed and sped off, taking the short route unconciously, not knowing that I was doing that to get to my mate. We arrived and I parked in front of the nature strip. I got out and walked behind Krissa, watching her posterior appreciatively. 

She unlocked the door and we walked in. Kieran was watching the TV but stood up when he saw me. "Hey Man, what's up?" He asked and pulled me into a man hug. Kieran was my best friend and my Beta. "Nothing much", I replied and we sat down to watch the football. "I'm going to go up and get Murderer to come and make us something", Krissa said and walked up the stairs. Byron was growling internally but I shut him up once again. Suddenly I heard a scream and a thud."Krissa", we yelled in unison and ran upstairs.

Krissa P.O.V:

I walked up the stairs, gossiping with my wolf Charlotte. I finally reached Sanatalia's door and twisted the knob. I walked in without asking, only to see she wasn't even in there. I saw some pieces of paper on her bed. Curiously, I walked over and saw two notes, one addressed to Aaron suprisingly and the other one addressed to Kieran and I.

I opened mine suspiciously.

Krissa or should I call you bitch and Kieran, oh you lovely PIG,

I would just like to say, I'm gone, you guys got your wish.

If you are reading this it means you have found out that I have run away and there is nothing you can do about it. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

All I have to say to you is don't come looking for me Bitch and PIG! I think I deserve this at least! Oh and also, I DIDN"T kill Mum and Dad! I hope you realise I wasn't trying to salvage my ego when I said that I had killed one of the hunters that day. I was trying to justify my actions and show you that I didn't kill them and you know what, I realised this very second, I tried to save one of them. YOU GUYS DIDN'T! You just cowered behind mum while I tried to protect you all and what did I get in return. Siblings that wrongly accused me and tormented me, a bruised and damaged soul and I was rejecte by my mate. The one that was supposed to love and cherish me forever, no matter what. 

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