Lies, anger and mates (Ch 11)

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Sanatalia P.O.V:

I walked down the continuous hallways. I swear, even after two years I was still slightly overwhelmed by how large the house was. I finally reached the main parlour and headed into the dining room, where I walked out the glass door that was tucked to the side, slightly hidden from view.

I jumped down the steps and headed to the training arena. All of the males from the Blood Moon Pack were gathered there while most of the members in my pack, including femals and children were gathered. I turned to the Blood Moon Pack. "Alpha Kingsley, where the hell are your females and children?" I asked in disbelief. "They're all inside", he told me warily. I snarled and walked forward. "Why are they not out here with the rest of your pack?" He glared at me, "because femals shouldn't be fighting". I growled and fisted my hands, fighting the urge to attack him. "You are a sexist pig, you realise that, the women of your pack and the older children should be taught to fight, we are all f****** equals in the eyes of Artemis and she would definitely want females fighting".

"Go get any children or females from the Blood Moon Pack", I ordered to of my best fighters. I wasn't the Alpha, but I was the Alpha's daughter and a damn god fighter, so I could control the pack, just like my father, Luca could.

The two men, Kyle and Vince sprinted off. I then turned around. "Okay, while they go round up recruits I want the men to run three kilometres through the woods and back, women are to go down to the beach and run three kilometres and I will stay here with the children, however, wait for the females and children of the Blood Moon Pack", I ordered and my pack nodded but I heard growls from the Blood Moon Pack.

"Is there a problem?" I snarled and Aaron nodded. "Why are we running, if we are meant to be learning to fight?" I sighed and snarled, I realised that I had been doing a large amount of snarling ever since they came.  "Do not question my training, do you understand", I growled as I walked up to him and shoved him to the dusty floor of the arena.

Yet, I struggled to keep my composure steady. I had nearly had a slip up. Touching his chest, had sent explosive tingles up my arms, making me shiver. I rubbed my arms and turned away, but was held against a broad, hard chest. I turned and came face to face with his highness. "Let me go Alpha Kingsley", I spat but he just tightened my grip on my waist. "No, do not disrespect me like that", he growled back. "Oh hell no", I shouted and slapped him. "You are talking to the Alpha Female, as in the leader, not the Luna, of the Crimson Shadow Pack and you are on my territory so watch what you say and do", I yelled and he instantly let go of me.

I slightly smirked and then watched as Kyle and Vince trailed in with teen girls, adult women and children ranging form the age of six to sixteen. I smiled and walked up to the group. "Thank you Vince and Kyle", I said and they bowed their heads. I turned to the children and women of the Blood Moon Pack, "Hey guys, I don't know if you remember me, but I am Sanatalia Cameron Verona Kalovski, soon to be Alpha Female of the Crimson Shadow pack, I will be your training leader and what I say goes, so you guys will be learning to fight, not like before where you were only considered to be people who had to be protected by their mates or parents". When I said the word mates, I spat it out and glanced at Aaron, who looks at me.

"So women of the Blood Moon Pack, I will go easier on you, but first, have any of you ever been taught how to fight?" I asked and Krissa, one teen girl and an adult woman stepped forward. "Okay cool, so Vince and Kyle, I want you to lead the men from both packs in the forest, Angel, take the women for the run on the sand, Chris, I want you to observe these women here and how well they fight, while I take the children, alright?" I ordered and everyone nodded. Angel led the women away, but some stared anxiously at their children but I gave them reassuring smiles and they reluctantly picked up speed.

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