Discoveries, moving forwards and love (Ch18)

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A/N This was published in the middle of homeroom, before first period so please don't expect to much.

Hey Guys,

Here's the next chapter, but I'm not sure about how many chapters there will be after this. I feel that I am quite close to the end of the story, so I'll keep you updated. School has started, so updates will be all over the place. (Even though they already are, but I'm trying to get my act together. Sorry again!)

Also, one more question and please answer, honestly. 

Q: Do you think that I should include the P.O.V of other characters?

I know that lately the story has really only been in Sanatalia's P.O.V and I want to know if you would like a change, or if I should keep going. So please comment below; I look forward to reading your answers.

Alright, well, I'll let you get onto reading. Enjoy!

Queenie xD


Unknown P.O.V

"Thorton," I shouted as I rose from my seat and walked towards the door. My pathetic beta burst through the door and knelt before me, lowering his head in submission. "My lady," he murmured and I flicked my wrist, causing his body to jerk and rise of the floor. "Look at me when I talk to you," I snarled and strode forcefully over to the windows.

"Yes my lady," he mumbled and quickly hurried over. "What is the current status of the army that was dispatched?" I snapped my head towards him and slid my silver nail file from my hair. "Hmm?" I glanced at him as he stared in horror at the way I spun the file between my fingers. 

"O-oh yes, well, I'm sorry to say my lady, but the whole army were taken down, except for ten rogue wolves who escaped and came back but with serious injuries," he responded and I hummed in acknowledgement.

"What of Flonia, Maybelle and Jenson?" I stepped away from the window, moving back towards the middle of the room. "Also bad news unfortunately, Flonia has been captured and Maybelle and Jenson are under interrogation by the Pack," Thornton said and moved slowly towards me.

"I see," I murmured and slid the nail file back into my hair, thinking over what to do. I turned to Thornton and snapped my fingers. "Yes, that's what I want done. Execute the ten remaining wolves and then come and find me when you have gotten rid of those pathetic excuses for rogues," I ordered and slid back into my chair, crossing my ankles over.

Thorton looked startled and his mouth fell open as if he were about to speak, but I held up my hand and flicked my wrist again, causing his mouth to snap shut. "Do not question me or try to defy me Thornton or that lovely mate of your's will have her head cut clean off," I told him and yawned when he growled in horror and anger.

"Go Thornton, or I will act on my threat," I snapped and he immediately scurried out of the room.

"Good, good," I smiled and pulled down on a string that was next to me, causing a loud ringing sound to echo through out the room. Not moments later, the doors to the room burst open and two servants pushed through, tugging roughly on a young male teen. 

"Thank you," I said and they nodded silently, yet I could see the fright shining from their eyes as they scurried out of the room. The boy slumped to the ground, his arms tied behind his back with thick rope and a white cloth was tied over his mouth.

He stared at me with wide eyes as I stood up from my seat, walking slowly down the steps and across the floor until I reached him. "Hello pet," I whispered seductively and slowly knelt down on the ground. I reached out and untied the gag, pulling the white material away from his mouth.

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