Conflict, Memories and Pack Fights (Ch 13)

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"Loser, pathetic freak".

"You shouldn't have been born".

"Mum and Dad shouldn't have died, you should have".

"Take your pathetic self back to where you came from".

I jolted awake, panting in exhertion. I hadn't had nightmares about my old pack for years, but now that they were here, the unwanted memories were haunting me once again, despite me trying to build walls in my mind against them.

I was still so apalled by how they had treated me and if I could turn back time, I know most people would think I would want to but I don't think I could. I loved my life here, however, it would be amazing if I could bring my parents back to life. I still cannot imagine life without them sometimes.

I opened my eyes and glanced at my alarm clock. It was three in the morning and I had to leave for school in four hours. I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep any longer, the memory was still lingering and if I slipped into the land of dreams, it would come right back.

I climbed out of bed slowly and walked into my closet, where I slipped on a bra, large hoodie and my ug boots. 

Star walked in at that moment, purring and I giggled. She sounded like an aeroplane or the blades of a helicopter, she was that loud. "Star, be quiet, you purr really loudly". 

"I'm not shutting up", I heard a voice and I stared at her in suprise. "Oh come on, you've talked to animals before, don't be so suprised".

"Star, I'm not suprised by that; I'm just suprised that I can converse with you being such a young age".

"I'm old enough and mature enough now to conduct a conversation".

"Cool, I'm going to go flying, I feel like it", I told her and she meowed in protest.

"I'm staying here", she grumbled and walked back into my bedroom, with me following her. She gracefully jumped onto my bed and curled up, before shutting her eyes.

I chuckled and walked to my window, sliding the glass up mentally. "At least take the door", Star protested.

"No way", I told her and jumped.


The feeling of being able to soar thousands of feet above the ground, could never be described. It;s as if you're in enormous deserted place with no one around you, except for the ocassional flock of birds. I felt exhilerated as I spun around or shot down to the ground like an arrow, stopping a few metres above it, before soaring up again. Somersault, twist, flip.

I would never get used to the feeling of being able to fly. For years, I had dreamed of flying. When I was younger, I even started designs for a pair of flame proof shoes with rocket thrusters, called "Rocket Boots'.

I was so proud of that design and my parents thought it was a great idea. "Our little Einstein", they had said to me, ruffling my mop of black curls. I miss Mum and Dad dearly. There is not a day that goes by, where I don't think about them, even for a second.

I noticed the sun rising and realised that everyone was probably waking up by now. I soared towards my window and flew in swiftly, plonking myself onto my bed. This jolted Star awake and she growled in anger. "Get over it, Kitty", I teased as I stood up and stripped off. I climbed into the shower and let the hot water soothe any sore tweaked muscles.

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