Part 5

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Third person POV

Alyssa along with Ysay and her kids went to Greenhills to eat lunch. Ysay took them to a restaurant with good menu. Aly caught some girls looking to Ysay. He was damn good looking guy wearing his white polo. A classic guys with a genuine smile.

The whole meal went fine. They were as if a happy family eating together. Aly was happy. She saw how happy her kids with Ysay. He just love them. And her kids love to see their mommy happy.

Time flies so fast. It was time that Alyssa needed to go back to work. She returned to her office with a huge smile as if she won a big amount from a lottery game.

A knock stopped Alyssa. Her secretary told her that Mr. Raven wanted her in his office. She sighed as she walk towards Kiefer's office.

As she opened the door, she saw Kiefer's face madly serious as if he was about to eat her. She knocked to get his attention.

Kiefer was following Alyssa and Ysay the whole time. He rode off to his car to chase his girl. His woman that slipped away. The whole time he was stalking her with Ysay and her kids was too painful for him but he wanted to make sure that nothing would harm Aly.

He was busy looking Aly when suddenly his eyes were glued to those two kids who resembled his childhood. As if it was like a mirror of himself. Andre was his carbon copy. His eyes, nose, and smile was just like him. Kelly's smile resembled Alyssa's genuine smile. And it hit him hard. He remembered that night. It was his birthday. Alyssa gave him the best gift he would ever received. She gave her whole self to him. They became one on that night.

And a hypothesis came up to his mind. Maybe... just maybe, they are his own kids. Maybe he is their father.

He returned to his office before Aly could see him. His whole ride was in a serious mood. He was overthinking too much that he didn't realize that he asked his secretary to call Alyssa's secretary and tell her that he wants her in his office. He was on his office already still sitting on his couch doing nothing. He got back to his senses when Aly was inside his office now.

When Kiefer saw Aly. His mind was so full of what ifs. He was too hesitant to ask Alyssa his hypothesis and that was maybe her kids was his.

"Mr. Ravena, why did you called my attention sir? -A

"Uhmmm...... how can I say this...... I saw your kids awhile ago when I was in the mall. I wanted to ask you if I am their father?" -K

Alyssa was speechless. She doesn't want Kiefer to know the truth. He might take them away from her. She doesn't want to Kiefer to know that he is their father. It would complicate things. It would give her more reasons to get pained by him.

"N—no sir. Y—You're  not the father sir. Y—Ysay is their father." -A

"S—So Ysay is your boyfriend?" -K

Alyssa bit her lips. She doesn't want to lie again. But she needs to do this so that Kiefer would stay away from her.

"Y—yes. He is my boyfriend sir." -A

Alyssa saw pain in his eyes. His eyes looked like he was too devastated to what he heard.

Kiefer was not convinced to what she answered. She knows Alyssa too well. She might be lying to what she said. She bites her lips when she lies to anybody. But when I heard her answer it gave him pain in his heart.

"O—Ohh okay. You may go back to work." -K

"Okay sir." -A

As Alyssa closed the door. She released a deep sigh. She stopped breathing when Kiefer suddenly asked her about Andre and Kelly. Her head is so full of what ifs. She was too nervous to answer his questions but she felt relieved when she went out from his office but still she was scared that Kiefer might know that he is actually their father.

Kiefer was left alone but guess what he was not convinced to what Aly answered as if she was hiding something from him and he needs to know the truth. His soul won't be  in peace until he knows about this issue.

He dialed his phone and called his private investigator.

"James, I need your service now. I want to know about the real identity of Alyssa's kids. I need you to test whether I am the father. Give me updated as soon as possible."

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