Part 6

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Third Person's POV

It's Friday and it means that Alyssa can rest and spend time with her kids. She has been wanting these days to release her stress from work and from Kiefer. He has been bugging her. Like he goes to her office to eat lunch or calls her to his office just to sit beside him and do nothing. She doesn't want to gain attention from him and from her co-workers but guess what Kiefer wants her. Her attention and time.

Alyssa went to the pantry to get some air. She has been suffocated to what Kiefer was doing to her. He has been visiting her for days already.

One day, when she opened her office, she saw a man sitting down the couch like waiting for her for ages. His facial expression was like he was too worried for Alyssa. When Kiefer saw Alyssa
near the door, he stood up and hugged her tight.

"K-Kief... I mean M-Mr. R-Ravena what are you doing?"

"Aly, are you going to leave me? I am sorry for being a dumbass. I dreamed of you leaving me. I don't want you to leave me. Please stay in my life Please"

Alyssa's imagination stopped when she heard people talking.

"Did you know? Mr. Ravena has been going to Ms. Valdez' office for days now. I saw him sitting inside and stare at her while smiling. I can sense that Mr. Ravena like Ms. Valdez." -Office mate 1

"I know. They have been the talk of town in the company. I think they have a secret relationship.

I can really sense they love each other." -Office mate 2

Alyssa suddenly popped out and they went out silently. She releases a deep sigh as if she wanted to end her day earlier than she does.

Alyssa was too busy and pre occupied with her work. She wanted to focus on her job than focus on Kiefer. She was bus review some paper works when her secretary called her attention and told her that someone is waiting for her downstairs.

She remembered that Ysay texted him and asked her out during her lunch break and she immediately said yes to his offer to get away from Kiefer.

Alyssa was not surprise to see Ysay. Ysay comes to her office often to take her to lunch. She loved the way Ysay was showing his affections towards her. But Alyssa only sees Ysay as a good friend of hers that is for keeps.

"Aly, I'll take you out for lunch and it's my treat hahaha" -Y

"Yes Ysay. When was the last time you let me pay for our food? I couldn't even remember

anything hahaha. Let's go?" -A

"It's a date then. Okay?" -Y

"Okay then." -A

They went out from the building without noticing Kiefer. He felt a sting on his heart. He is hurt. He wants take Alyssa away from him but he has no right to do that. All he has was to see her walking away from his sight. Away from him."

Kiefer doesn't want to stalk and be around Alyssa and Ysay for it breaks his heart to see Alyssa happy with someone else. Instead, he went to his office and started working. He has not eaten his lunch. He was in a meeting with his future investors. He kept on looking on his watch to see if it was Alyssa's lunch break. After his meeting he ran out from the conference room and headed to her office but to his surprise Alyssa was not there. Jenny, who was Alyssa's secretary told him that she went out to meet someone downstairs. He rode the elevator and was impatiently waiting for the elevator to reach the first floor of the building. When he arrived he saw her laughing with Ysay. Genuinely laughing with him. His heart was torn apart. Devastated to see Alyssa happy with another man.

Alyssa on the other hand ended her day right despite having the presence of Kiefer around her.

She focused and ended earlier to stay away from her boss. Alyssa texted Ysay to pick her up so that they will eat dinner with her kids. She wanted to treat Ysay for once to repay his kindness to her and to Kelly and Andre. He stood and made her kids feel that they have a dad in his image.

"Ysay, thank you for everything. You were with me. You saw my pain, my happiness, and in my daily life. I want to make it up to you. I'll treat you to dinner. If you're good then I'll see you tonight just pick me up." -A

She kept her phone and fixed her things. But while she was fixing, Kiefer immediately went inside. Alyssa was shocked to see him in her office.

"S-Sir what do you need s-sir?" -A

Kiefer didn't answer her question but instead. He kissed Alyssa on the lips. The kiss was long and full of warmth but Alyssa was in shocked but as she went to reality she composed her self and pulled her self away from him and immediately slapped Kiefer.

"You don't have any right to do that to me. You know I want to keep this job and keep distance from you but guess what you just went out from the boundary. I can't believe you Kiefer. You are still the same. The old Kiefer Ravena, the ultimate playboy. I hope you are happy now. I quit. Good bye Mr. Ravena. Hope not to see you again."

Alyssa left her office crying. She felt violated and hurt because she realized that it was still him. It was still Kiefer whom she loved and broke her heart.


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