chapter seven

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Kat's POV: "No she's not, I was just upset I'm sorry"

"What happened" Ashley said walking in.

"She's dead"

"No she isn't" Andy said wrapping his arms around me.

"I wanted to bring her on tour"

"She will get to be there eventually"

"I want her to be here now"

"We all do but it's going to be ok"

"Come on let's pack"

"I don't want to" I argued.



I grabbed the suitcase from under my bed and started to put some clothes into it. I don't understand how I am supposed to pack three months worth it's just so much. I also really don't want to be away from here for three months without Violet in my sight. I hope whoever took her is taking good care of her.

"We should go ahead and get on a flight tomorrow so Ashley and I can pack" Jade said.

"You shouldn't have came here"

"We needed to"

"Everything was just fine before you came"

"Sorry for having concern for my brother"

"I'm going to go pack" Andy said kissing my cheek then leaving the room.

Ashley followed behind him so I knew they were going to argue and Jade shut the door.

"I don't want to hear their bickering" she said.

"I'll help you pack" She said and she took out some clothes from my dresser and piled them in.

"Get the batman costume"


"Get Violets too"

"Ok I guess"

She grabbed the costumes out of the closet and put them into the suitcase then I got confused.

"Andy made a horrible excuse, if he was packing he would be in here because we share a room"

"Well there's guys for you"

"Can we go out for a little bit, just for a short drive around" I asked.

"I guess it couldn't hurt" she said and we walked out to the car.

She got in the drivers seat knowing I was not stable enough to drive and she slowly pulled out of the driveway. We didn't turn on the music or anything, we wanted the ride to be silent. I watched in the windows of people's houses. I couldn't help but to think that one of them could have her.

"When should we head back"

"Never" I responded and she stopped the car.

"We're going back now, you need Andy"

"No I need Violet"

"We'll get her trust me"

"I can't believe we will be over a thousand of miles away from her"

"Maybe she will be there waiting"

"I doubt it" I said and she pulled back into the driveway.

"Andy she needs you" She said helping me inside.

He ran over and helped me to the couch and hugged me.

"Everything is ok and everything will always be ok"

"Do you think they will find her soon"

"I hope so"

"Let's just finish packing" I replied and he took me to our room.

It took an hour but we finished packing which is all that mattered to me at the moment.

"Wait don't you have a doctors appointment today"

"Ya I guess I forgot"

"Do you remember what time"

"Twenty minutes"

"Let's go then"

He helped me to the car but Ashley and Jade stayed behind with Charlie. We got to the hospital with only two minutes before my appointment but like any hospital it still took another half hour to actually get in.

"We want to take your cast off so we can take X-rays"

"Ok" I said and he brought this little saw thing over and started to cut it off.

"That tickles so much" I said and Andy laughed.

He got it off and then he looked at my leg some and then took X-rays.

"I'm going to go look at them I should be back in around I've minutes"

We sat there and waited for him to get back.

"Your leg healed a lot faster than expected you won't need a cast anymore"

"That's great news isn't it Kat"

"I guess"

"Let's make sure you can walk right" He said and Andy helped me down.

"I want you to walk down the hall without help"


I walked down to the end of the hall and back down just fine and Andy smiled

"You're good as new" He said and hugged me.

"Looks like you're all good, you can go ahead and leave"

I was so happy to finally have that stupid thing off it was so annoying. We went to the car and we quickly drove home and went inside. They had ordered a pizza and we went ahead and grab some slices for ourselves.

"You got it off already?"

"They said it healed faster than expected"

"Oh that's good"

Charlie was watching Spongebob while we all ate our pizza and he kept laughing. His laugh sounds so fake and annoying but I love hearing it. At least then we know he's happy.

"Can we just book a flight to California tomorrow so we can hurry and pack"

"If they have a flight"

"I'll check" I said and I got my laptop

"They have one for six in the morning"

"Dear lord"

"Do you want me to book it or not" I asked.


I booked five tickets for us and then shut my laptop. I was so bored it felt as if there wasn't anything to do.

"We better head to bed so we can head there at 5:45"

Jade and Ashley went to the guest room and I went to our room with Andy.

"This tour will be amazing I promise"

"I can't wait"

Unknown POV: I looked at the sleeping child on the plane and she was adorable. She had her little pink blanket I bought her yesterday and she loves it. I told her that it was a gift from her mom. I can't wait for her to get to see California she is going to love it there. It's so warm and she will get to eat some new kids and everything, just a little bit longer and we will be at my old house.

I'm Happy He Stalked Me (Sequel to Stalked by BVB)Where stories live. Discover now