chapter eleven

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Kat's POV: We sat at the table and I had put Violet beside me.

"What do you two want, I'll order for you"

"No it's ok it will seem more realistic if I order for myself and you can order for Violet"

"That true I guess, what does she usually get"

"She gets the grilled chicken strips and macaroni"

"Hi may I get what you would like to drink"

"I would like a Dr. Pepper please" I replied.

"I want a Pepsi"

"Violet what do you want" CC asked her.

"Chocolate milk!!" She said all excited.

"Are you all ready to order today or are you still looking"

"I think we're ready" CC answered.

"I would like the grilled chicken with French fries and macaroni"

"I want the blueberry pancakes with bacon and eggs and she wants the grilled chicken strips with macaroni"

She wrote everything down and then walked away and five minutes later brough back our drinks.

"Don't spill" I said opening her milk.

"So what are we going to do after we eat" I asked him.

"We are going to go home"

The waitress brought us our food ten minutes later and Violet quickly started eating and I smiled. I had missed her so much and I finally have her back now. It won't be long before the Biersacks are a happy family again.

"Thank you for bringing us here"

"I would do anything for my two girls" He said and I faked a smile.

We ate our food very slowly as we talked a bit and then Violet started falling asleep.

"Looks like someone's ready for their nap" CC said as he laid down a ten dollar tip.

"I'm going to take her to the restroom before we leave" I said picking her up.

I looked around but there was no windows and I sighed.

"I'll get us out of this Vi"

A woman walked in the bathroom and I walked over to her.

"Hi may I borrow your phone, my car broke down and I need to call my husband"

"Of course here you go"

"911 what's your emergency"

"My daughter and I was kidnapped we are in Bob Evans in......please hurry"

"You were kidnapped, you seem a bit old to be kidnapped" the woman said as I handed her back her phone.

"We were but we have to go back so it isn't obvious we did something, thank you"

"What took so long" CC asked.

"She had an upset tummy"

"Alright well I'm going to go she's and pay the bill you guys go wait over there"

I took Violet and we waited by the doors and I saw the police show up and I smiled.

"Look baby, we get to go home"

"What did you do" CC said coming up to me.

"Nothing why"

"Why are the police here"

"I don't know maybe they just pulled someone over"

"Get to the car now! Leave your head down"

"EVERYONE FREEZE" An officer yelled as he slammed through the doors.

"There is a woman and her daughter that was taken and nobody leaves until we find them"

"NOW" CC said pushing us the opposite way.

"I'm sorry CC" I whispered in his ear.



"You took my daughter away from me and then took me away from Andy, we would have never been a family"

"There" an officer yelled and they tackled CC.

"Thank you so much"

"We have to take you to the hospital for a rape kit"

"He didn't rape me, it's only been a day we just need to get back on tour with my husband"

"Did he hurt you in any way"

"No he thought of us as a family"

"Is there somewhere you need me to take you?"

"Can you take me to his house to get my phone and then the airport to fly to Arizona"

"Do you know the address"

"No but I saw how he got us here"

"Alright lets go"

We got into the car but he didn't have a seat for a child so I kept my arm over Violet.

"Turn left up here and the next light turn right and then it's the first house past the little pond"

"Do you want me to come in with you"

"No but I am going to leave Violet with you thanks"

I hurried inside and went to his room and started going through drawers and everything and lifted up his mattress and there it was. I grabbed the phone and ran back outside and got into the car.

"I'm ready" I told him.

He drove us to the nearest airport and escorted us to our flight to make sure we got there safely. The flight had only taken us a little over an hour and we had a taxi drive us to the venue.

"We're gonna see daddy" I said and I hugged her.

The concert had started five minutes ago so we ran in and went back stage and everyone was on stage. At the moment they were singing Saviour and I walked onto the stage and snuck up behind Andy.

"We're safe now" I said and he hugged me and started crying happy tears.

"Who took her"

"It was CC but they got him to the police station it's ok we will go against him on trial"

"I love you"

"Violet I've missed you so much"

"DADDY" She screamed and she jumped into his arms and he started singing again.

"A Saviour for all that you do" he sang and Jade ran over and tackled me in a hug.

"Even though it was a day I was so worried"

"It was CC he got his revenge"

"I'm going to kill him"

"He's already in jail by now"

They finished the concert and we went backstage for the meet and greet.

"Look Violet, this is what mommy used to do with daddy before you were born"

"You took pictures?"

"We went all around the world and met different people"

"I like that mommy, can I meet people too?"

"Of course you can" I said as I kissed her cheek.

The Biersacks are back together, forever and always.

The end

I'm Happy He Stalked Me (Sequel to Stalked by BVB)Where stories live. Discover now