Chapter 3: May I?

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Those would be some of the many questions that are thrown at me as I stand on the side of the carpet, waiting for my individual turn to walk, judging we have walked as a group already one time through.

I didn't actually answer the questions out loud, I just thought about what they would be. Laney is the reason I don't give up, the reason I don't complain about my job. She stays up late some nights just to talk to me on the phone after a late show. When the lads and I start writing the songs, I think about her and how much I miss her, everything we've been through. Laney has taught me lessons even my own mother can't teach me. She my pride and joy, my life.

I watch as Liam and Rachel begin our bands individuals, date or no date. They've been going out for a while now, I know he's happier with her. We, as a group, have known her for as many years as we've known Laney, so she's become a close friend. At the time we all met, Danielle and Liam went out, so I doubt he even thought about her that way. But than Sophia happened and blah blah blah, but whatever, Rachel's back and that's all that matters.

After Liam and Rach get to the end, I watch them walk inside and Harry begins on the carpet, no date. I did tell him to ask Laney's roommate Sadie, but he said he wasn't ready yet. Thinking back, that probably was a better decision, so she won't have to deal with anymore hate earlier in the game.

"Hey mate," Louis says to me, gesturing his head behind me making me turn around.

And there she is, in her long black dress and curled hair, makeup done and everything. She's walking up the carpet to the side, getting pictured by the paparazzi along the sides of the gates. It looks like she's close enough so I have a clear path in running and lifting her up. We've made eye contact, as all I can do is stare at her beauty.

I get out of my place in line, being the second to next one to go, and run straight to her and engulfing her into a hug.

"I've missed you so much. What the hell are you doing here?" I ask, whispering into her ear as I'm hugging her tighter than ever with all the paps around us.

"I've missed you too Ni. El and I have been planning this for a while." She tells me, saying it into my chest just loud enough so I can hear it over all of the noise.

"I love you so much, you don't understand Lanes." I say as I release her, stare at her for a second, than take her back into a hug for another second.

Someone taps me on my shoulder, signaling we need to move out of the way but I really just brush it off and wrap my arms around her as we walk forward towards my place in line again, us being next.

"May I?" I ask, stretching my arm out, concluding her to take it.

"You may" she giggles just as we get the signal to start walking.

We both instantly put on the biggest smiles, us cracking jokes to each other after we pose for a couple of seconds. Just like we've been together for a week; just so natural and normal.

Laney and I reach the end of the carpet and are led to our seats with the rest of the lads and girls. We greet each other, them greeting Laney greater than me, well obviously since she just got here.

Lou let's everyone else say their hellos and hug her as he sits down next to me as I watch them greet her.

"You know your girlfriend set this up with her mate?" I turn and tell him.

"Yea Niall, she's pretty incredible at times. And hot."

"Just please, let her know how thankful I am, I'm going to try to thank her as much as possible, but I really want her to understand how much this means to me lad." He nods and smiles signaling he will, just as everyone sits down around us.

"I can't believe I'm here!" Laney says in the seat next to me, admiring the work of the arenas structure, looking at the ceiling and all around.

"Trust me, I can't either." I tell her, looking right at her the whole time, grabbing her hand and linking it with mine. She smiles at me and speaks,

"How long are you guys here for?"

"Three days I think? This show tonight, tomorrow's free, the next day interview than fly to Washington for a show the next night on Tuesday." I explain to her having to think it through.

She nods, understanding. We've gotten quite used to the busyness of our schedules, her having college and meet&greets or sometimes photo-shoots because of her 'uprising fame' management like to call it, to me touring North America. It's psychotic.

"Well, at least we have tonight, tomorrow and part of Monday morning." Laney tells me, grinning ear to ear, me mirroring her actions.

"Don't you have uni tomorrow?" I ask her becoming confused.

"No, silly, I don't have 'uni' tomorrow," she says using air quotes with her fingers, "it's Saturday remember?" She says laughing as the lights dim.

"Jesus Christ, I can't even keep track of the date these days." I mutter under my breathe as the music becomes louder and everyone begins to take their seats.

Laney leans over in her seat and whispers in my ear, "It's ok, I just can't wait to kiss you tonight." And kisses my cheek as Justin Timberlake, the legend, walks out on stage to host the show.

I have a feeling it may be a pretty good night.




Thank you all

Love you!:)


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