Chapter 7: Midnight Memories?

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"Mid-night mem-ories oh oh oh oh ohhh baby you and me..."

Harry sings forcefully into the crowd. Sadie and I are at a concert of the boys in Washington. We flew to Washington from California with them after their interview because we have a break from school and Sadie invited me to visit her and her parents' house. After the concert, the boys and us will go back got their hotel then the next day, they have free, so I'm going with Sadie to her place and Harry may tag along. A busy schedule we're on, for only being 18 year old girls.

"Thank you all so much, you guys have been absolutely incredible we love you so so much and don't know what would be doing without you" Niall says to the crowd as the shows wrapping up.

The crowd cheers and screams and cries and laughs and absolutely everything you would possibly do at a one direction concert. I keep thinking back to the concert Niall and I met at and what I felt before it and during it. To think that I was just one of these many girls, never ever in a million years thinking I would be dating a member of this band, it's mind blowing.

After all the boys are off the stage and the balloons and confetti keep dropping, a security guard, Bill, leads Sadie and I to one of the large tour buses. Sadie was determined to be in the audience because she's never been to a one direction concert before, so here we are.

A few autographs and pictures were asked of Sadie and I for some of the fans of the boys. We have been getting more and more people asking us every so often. It may be because of YouTube, it may be because of the boys, who knows?

"Phew! What a night, wouldn't you say lads?" Louis says as the boys bounce onto the bus, very sweaty.

He gets a chorus of, 'oh ya', 'absolutely' and 'cheers' from the four other boys who are all piling to the back of the bus to get a fresh shirt or be the first one to the shower as Sadie and I sit on the couches and watch as the fans hold posters up and scream the boys names. To think that I would be one of those girls...

"I call first shower at the hotel." Harry says as he comes out from the back just pulling a shirt on over his head and taking a seat next to Sadie.

"Awhh c'mon man, you know I called it before the show even started, bloody hell Haz." Niall complains as he walks out with no shirt on, just one in his hand. He then comes and takes a seat next to me after grabbing some crisps.

"Gonna put that on anytime soon?" I ask Niall, motioning to the shirt he has in his hand.

"Why, are you not enjoying the view?" He asks, standing up abruptly and starts dancing in my face. (just imagine him dancing like in the Talk Dirty To Me video please and thank you!(-:)

I start laughing then start recording him, yet he didn't know because he was too busy grabbing ray bands off the counter someone left there and kept dancing like an idiot.

"Niall girls are going to love this" I said loud enough for him to hear. He stopped dead in his tracks and looks directly at the camera and says,

"And I love all my girls more then they can imagine."

I stop the video and keep chuckling as everyone files back into the front of the bus and Niall puts his shirt back on.

"What the hell were you doing mate?" Liam asks Niall.

"Something for my Niall girls, that's all Payno." Niall then wraps one arm around my shoulders as he starts eating cheezits with the other hand.

"Ok boys listen," Paul begins, coming from the front of the bus into view.

"You guys have three rooms that you have to divide yourself into. I don't care if you have to make bets about who gets the single room, just don't kill each other and don't come complaining to me if you don't get what you want. Got it?" He asks sternly.

"Got it" is a chorus of five.

"Good. Now, we're almost there so you may want to decide fast." Paul says as he goes back to the front.

"Ok, how are we gonna do this?..." Zayn finally spoke up, as if anyone was afraid to ask.

"Well, Laney's with me, so wherever I go she goes." Niall chimes in, "Preferably the single one, because ya know, you guys don't want us to disturb you with our midnight se-"

"Ok!! So oldest, ya, gets the single!" Louis interrupts Niall before he could say more.

I playfully shove Niall as he looked down at me and winks.

"Well what about us?" Harry asks from the other side of the room that hasn't made noise in a while.

"What about you guys?" Liam asks taking a seat and raising an eyebrow.

"Well, as Niall said, wherever I go she goes. They're not the only ones who like to get kinky." Harry says with a wink as Sadie buries her head in embarrassment in her hands.

"If it's this much trouble, then Laney and I could always get a car to bring us to my place and we can meet up in the morning?" Sadie offers.

"Mom and dad home?" Harry asks curiously.

Sadie had to think then her eyes widen and she says,

"No! They're not home until noon tomorrow!"

"Sleepover at Sade's for Haz!!" Zayn yells as everyone laughs.

"Hey," I yell towards Harry as the laughter dies down, "she's only 18, don't do anything stupid."

"Same goes for you Niall." Sadie adds pointing to the boy next to me.

They both just look at each other with a look I can't even describe as the bus comes to a stop.

Wonder what tonight will bring...



















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