Chapter 2

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 Happy Reading:)


Jordan's POV

Haloween was the worst day of the year. I know normal people would love it and enjoy dressing up as there favourite fictional monsters. Well, to me it's offensive. It's plain evil, in my eyes, saying that in my head made me have my sister voice come into my head, 'say's the blood sucker'. She annoyed me whenever I'd say things like that aloud because she would reply with that phrase every time, no fail.

I wasn't going to dress up like every year, (I have never dressed up before for Halloween) I would just relax or go out. Preferably I would like to stay at home seen as I had no need to go out tonight. Just have a quite night in with my family. Well I guess you don't always get what you want, seen as Ryan has just walked in the room.

"Come on Jordan, we're going out," He smiled sitting on the arm of my armchair that I was sitting in.

"No you're going out, on your own," I said harshly.

"But... But what if a vampire or something like that attacks me?" He chuckled sarcastically.

"What are they going to do with you, no vampire would want you, because this one certainly doesn't," I smiled at him. Yeah I didn't mention it, I'm a vampire and so is Ryan, my best friend who I really should replace, but he hangs around like a bad smell.

"You know I can read your mind, and you love having me around," Ryan chuckled falling onto my lap. I swear he would have just broke my legs if I was human.

"Jord why don't you go out, give me some peace?" Rosalyn smiled up from her laptop. Rosalyn is my younger sister even though we look the same exact age of seventeen. She had deep brown almost black hair that is curly according to her, but in my eyes I say it is just a plain mess. She has majestic and hypnotic grey eyes that I think helps her get human guys. Usually vampires use there scent to attract a human but her eyes are pretty alluring even for me.

"Because knowing Ryan he has figured out a way to get free food, or go to a party. I'm not hungry or in a party mood," I stated. Me and Ryan are extreme opposites, he will do anything for blood and is into the party scene but I'm more laid back and have self control compared to Ryan. He is ok, compared to others, but he can be a bit over damanding.

"Please come Jordan, I can't attract people like you do, I always get the un-tasty ones," He chuckled, He was such a stupid and obvious vampire.

"Ok, jeas, I swear you fed last night," i muttered.

"I did but I'm starving," He sulked.

"Come on then, but we are still on the deal I attract the people, and you don't kill them," I stated to him sitting up whilst throwing him off my lap.

"Of course, I may be a vampire, but I'm not evil, you know I try to make it as un-painful as possible but when they sruggle it's there problem not mine," He said pulling me from the room and out of the house.

"SO where are we going?" I asked as we walked down the street at around midnight.

"Abandoned alley way," He shrugged as we got near to long dark alleyways that were very rarely ever used, especially at night.

"And tell me Ryan no one goes down the alley's so how do you plan on getting anyone?" I asked and he stared at me like I was a plain idiot.

"You know your sister can see the future, she told me that a girl will be going down the alley on her own at two minutes to twelve, I'm not a complete idiot. You need to give me more credit," He said.

A Sharp RevengeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon