How did things get so bad?

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I thought I was stronger

I thought we would be okay

I thought it was all better

That today was a brighter day

But no, I'm still the weak one

I've disappointed you again

I'll never be good enough

Not like I was back then

I'm a ruined, broken person

And sometimes I get mad

Sometimes I mess up

And I always get so sad

It's so much harder for me to smile

When I see you push me away

Cause I'm not what you wanted

I'll never quite be that way

My logic makes no sense to you

But my intentions are mostly good

Even if sometimes I don't do things

The way I probably should

Maybe I should just let you leave

I can see that's what you want to do

But I can't seem let you go

Even if I don't deserve you

You used to insist that I did

But now you just sadly smile

When I say bad things about myself

You must believe that I'm so vile

It's my fault that you don't trust me

So now I have to build it up again

But you're cautious and withdrawn now

Not like you were back then

Do I ever make you happy?

Do you need me? Do you care?

I used to think you did

But now I never dare

It feels like you're scared of me now

And for those crimes I wish to atone

I want to fix things between us

But I can't do this all alone

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