"Just Friends"

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I like to pretend

That my heart is made of ice

With jagged points that freeze and cut

Every time you aren't nice

Or that it is a flower

Whose petals wilt and fall

With every word you forget to say

One by one till I've lost them all

Or that perhaps

My heart is but a pen you bought today

That writes your every word

But when you're through you throw it away

Or that it is a song

You maybe used to sing

But now after some time has passed

You say you don't like its 'ring'

Or maybe it's a seashell

Bashed smooth and washed ashore

Just for you to pass by

And step on once more

Or shall it be a shadow

One that you say you didn't see

As it faded in the darkness

The darkness you brought to me

Maybe it is a bird you caught

And decided to lock away

But you forgot to give it food and love

So it died and you watched it decay

Maybe my heart is a feeling

One you could never quite enjoy

So you pulled it around and then left it

Maybe my heart is a toy

Maybe my heart is a joke to you

Maybe my heart is your name

Maybe you don't know the difference

Maybe they're one in the same

I like to try and pretend

That my heart belongs not to you

For pain is temporary

I know this to be true

But my heart is nothing more

Than an organ in my chest

That throbs with life I scarcely want

While thoughts of you I repress

And because my heart is an organ

It will beat on as organs do

But it won't explain the ache I feel

When I hear those words from you

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