Empty eyes

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Empty eyes speak empty words

That cradle lies and let them grow

Into a cold indifferent smile

That haunts the mind of no one

Because no one is the only one

Who comes to comfort me

My tears fall straight down to hell

I'm busy being sad about nothing

Being sad about everything

So don't bother me

Don't try to make me smile

A smile isn't enough

There will never be enough

To fill these endless empty eyes

Eyes that ache

Eyes that can't see

Past the ocean of nothingness

That will always cloud my world

Making it all seem hazy

Unclear and distorted

Making me think that maybe it's not even real

And maybe it isn't

Maybe I'm dreaming

Maybe I'll never wake up from this dream

This nightmare

Silent screams fill my desperate ears

Making me even more insane

How can it be

That there is so much sound

And so little sight

I try to not listen

But the words fill up my broken mind

Pounding with every futile beat of my silly little heart

Sounding like a symphony

Sounding like how sadness feels

Empty eyes speak empty words

Empty words that I recite to empty faces every day

And keep on reciting

Because that's what's expected of me

And I have nothing better to do anyways

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