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Allura:"Paladins! We're under attack!"
Lance:"Huh, that's funny it's only one ship. You think they thought they could take us down in one?"
Shiro:"Doubt it. Maybe it's a drone that's after Matt..."
Shiro turned to Matt.
He looked worried.
Keith:"Could be Pidge."
Hunk:"Ooor, the Galra think we're to smart to think it's really them. Then pretended like it was Pidge in the ship(which it's not) and attack when we bring them in!"
Everyone turned and stared at him Hunk.
Coran:"You may be right, but what if it's not."
Lance:"I say one of us boards the ship while it's being sucked in by our gravity to see if it's safe."
Keith:"That may have been the smartest thing you've ever said."
Lance broke out in a tantrum.
Shiro:"Alright! Alright, We'll do lances idea, who wanted to board the ship?"
Everyone turned to look at each other.Even a couple looked at Matt.
Keith was the first to speak up.
Keith:"I'll go."
Shiro:"Alright, let's send you into space without them noticing."

The door to the pod opened then Closed.
Pidge:"*Gasp* did you hear that?!"
Lotor nodded and grabbed an object of a shelf.
Lotor:"Here to defend yourself incase its not one of your friends."
He handed it to Pidge.
Lotor:"I'm gonna go see who it is."
Lotor then left Pidge alone in the control room.
/stupid leg/ said Pidge as she armed the weapon.
In the distance shots could be heard and Lotor a cries were loud.Then came silence and a thud.
Pidge grasped the Weapon tightly.
A shadowy figure appeared around the corner.
Pidge:"Mm..S-Stay back!"
The figure appeared less tense then he was before Pidge spoke and walked calmly out of the shadows with his hands up.
They stood there staring at eachother for awhile then spoke again.
Pidge chuckled.
Pidge:"Ha! Who did I expect it to be? A Galra!"
Keith didn't laugh but he looked Amused by what she said.
Keith:"Ya well one Galra Solider did follow you on board. I took him out though."
Pidge expression changed. She began to Panic.
Pidge:"Lotor! Keith! He was the one who helped me get here! You shot him!? What were you thinking!? Who else would be in the ship!? Me! And another!"
Keith:"Woah woah, calm down lets get you back to the castle. We have to destroy the ship incase they try tracking  it."
Pidge gave him a stubborn look then crossed her arms and raised her eyebrows.
Pidge:"On one Condition."
Keith groaned at the works but nodded, as to tell her to keep speaking.
Pidge:"You Heal my friend hear in one of the healing pods."
Keith stared then shrugged and nodded.
Keith:"Just remember, in not the captain of this ship.Its not up to me."
Keith said as he began to walk out of the control room.He gestured her to follow.
She said as she grabbed Keith's attention.
Keith:"now what?"
He said annoyingly.
Pidge silently pointed at her broken leg.
Pidge:"Little' help?"
Keith groaned then poked Pidge up bridal style and began to walk her out of the room.
They entered the castle and then all eyes were on them.

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