Chapter 3: Day 1/2: Complications

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Wow, I never gotten this many votes so soon on the first two chapters!! I hope you guys like this update, I would have updated sooner but college is making me so busy.

Please comment and vote if you want the next chapter out.

Chapter 3: Day 1/2: Complications

"Damm it, Let me go!!"

Victor struggle to get out of Alesandro arms, but the vamp was not making it easy. Damm him to hell, Victor felt like a weaking, and that is definitely hurting his pride as one of the oldest demons on this earth!!!

"Struggle all you want, but no matter what you do, you can't escape unless I want you too. " Alesandro sounded so sure of himself, that it made Victor snap his teeth.

Oh how he wish he could put a dent to this man ego. Oh the possibiltly to see one of the strongest vampire in the world on his knees made Victor clam down a bit. But not that much.

"So are you going to coperate or do I have to lock you up in my special prison..'

"speical prison??"

"My bedroom, more precisely, chain to my bed.." Alesandro sounded like he would have love to see victor tie to his bed.

Victor eyes glow red, showing his red demonic eyes, then they were gone, back to it ususal black eyes, but they were still glaring at Alesandro

"I'll coperate.." Victor hiss out, and when he felt Alesandro laughs, Victor felt his heart skip a beat. He does not know why, but hearing the vamp laugh made him almost want to smile..almost.

As Alesandro let go of him, Victor started to finally look around his prison. He does not care if it look like a 5 star hotel room, it 's still felt like a prison to him.

"Not bad.." Victor muter. Despite how much he dislike Alesandro, he had to admit the Vamp had good taste.

"Glad you like it, you are going to see much of it in the future." Alesandro purrs.

"Don't get to comferable around me." Victor Threaten " I had over a 1000 years of expericane dealing with arrogant men like you."

"How could I forget, you were always good with weapons, even as a mortal, although if I recall, you had not faught a battle in over 14 years..."

Victor face turn red, but show no emotion" How could you have known that???"

This time Alesandro blush" I follow you.." He said it with no hesitation.

Victor eyes turn demonic again, and this time it stay that way." How long were you stalking me!!"

"Betrayal from the heart, a Demon and Vampire desires( Boy x Boy)"Where stories live. Discover now