Chapter 16 Family Reunion from Hell

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Reading my messages, this story is the winner, so for this whole week this story will be updated way more faster the my other ones, so i hope you enjoy this quick update, please comment and vote please.

Chapter 16: Family Reunion from Hell.

"Home sweet Home." Keith said as he open the door to his very large Manison, which has a huge garden, but however, it is so deep in the mountain so there was no town nearby.

"why do you live this far from civilization, aren't you a Vampire, don't you need fresh blood everyday??"

Keith give me a tight smile as he shwo me in the Foyer, looking around, i could not help but give a shutter to see this place a wreck, literally, table throw around, books shatter, painting broken, crooked, or just plain horrible.

Outside, perfect, inside although is a dump.

"sorry, never expected to have guest, and to answer your question, I lived off bag blood."

I give Keith a disgusted look." don't you have any maid service."


They all quit, saying" I don't get paid enough for this crap, you are hopeless.", beside, I offer to paid them higher, but they ran off when they see the spiders" Kieth pointed up on the roof.

I look up, and the whole ceiling was cover in a pack of Tarantula.

you know what my reaction, I scream bloody murder and ran out.

"WHAT IN HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!!!" I shouted as Keith came right out, smiling eviliy.

"I did say I was more evil then you, those are my pets, they are harmless, unless you provoke them."

"You are evil, their no way in hell i am staying here."

Kieth give a evil alugh, then stop" The room are perfectly clean, and I promise there is no Tarantula in any of the room, beside, these Tarantula are not what they seem."

With his weird message said, he pull me back in the house and up the stairs, I was trying not to look up on the ceiling, but I stil lgive a shutter when I hear those little 8 legs sound right above.

Which is mess up, I can face 100 of monsters without showing fear, however, seeing a small legged scary creature makes me want to scream out loud.

"You get used to it" Keith said as he open the door to my room, and I give a huge sigh of releif to see no spider in the room ,and a actual clean bedroom.

"I will have dinner ready for you, please enjoy your stay.' Keith give me a scary smile.'Oh, and here your only warning, my little friends love to sleep under the covers, so it would be really approaite to not leave your door open."

Keith shut the door, and I just wish that I have anywhere to stay beside here.


"Alesandro, took you long enough." Keith open his door and greeted his glommy older brother.

"Why did you have to show that illusion, and why did you lie, your only a half vamp, and half  sorcerer, you don't even need to drink blood, so can you explain this too me." alesandro growl out.

Kieth smile." Well Hello Kieth, how are you, can I come in" Keith mimic Alesandro voice." Seriously brother, lossen up."

With a wave of his hand, the illision of the Foyer pull away, and finally Show the mansion the way it is, clean, and no spider on the ceiling.

"Did you have to scare him like that." Alesandro growls.

"Yes, if he saw this place how it really is, he will never leave, and in other words, he will never want to be with you, I am helping you in the long run.:

Aleasnro stop himself for stranggling his brother." You were just a mintue away from death."

"You can't beat me even if you dream of it, remember the last time you face me."

alesandro shutter." I can still hear them in my nightmares, just tell me this before I have to face that nightmare again, what are your plans."

"To help you, I still remember the last time you were in heartbreak, I don't want to see that again, so this time you got soem brotherly love to help you win your mate."

Alesandro give Kieth a dark look." as long as it not another ilusion, we are good."

"Brother, I anm a bit dissapointed, you should know me by now."

Kieth said as he left.

Alesandro have to wonder what hsi sneaky brother is planing, knowing him, it going to be hell.

sorry it short, I am in the libaray, and only 2 hours time limit to write, I will update this by Tuesdays, so till then please comment and vote please.

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