Chapter 11 To love, or not To love, that is the question???

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I could not think of any name to name this chapter, so I don't know WHY i written that, I must be losing my mind, well if I am losing my mind, I might as well go all the way.

Please comment and vote please.

Deciated to my close Friend Vampura, because he keep on pushing me to write on time, so Love you bestie :())

on the side is a SEXY picture of.......i will left you think, it either Alesandro or Victor, but that for you to decided :()) If you want the picture, send me a private message and I will send you the picture.

Chapter 11 To Love, or Not to Love, that is the question???

"Stupid blood-sucking man, taking my choice,  kidnap, force mark, entering dream, what next, me actuallty kissing him, HA, I rather kiss a cow then to kiss that man.."

Victor grumble angerily as he throw rocks into a lake. Victor had no idea where he was going, so he was sort of releive to have found this place.

It seems so peaceful, Victor never wanted to leave.

"You do have to leave at some point." alesandro said as he came right beside Victor.

"Can just when I finally relax, the ex from hell is here." Victor glare at Alesandro." Can you at least give me a few mintues to be by myself."

"not really, we had over a 1000 years to be apart, so now I want to be around you every moment." alesandro said apollogetic." Just balme my nature."

"Which one, your egolistic nature, or your blood sucking nature." Victor throw antoher rock in the lake.

"Was that suspose to be a joke??"

"Maybe, or Maybe it how I view you."

Alesandro sigh." when are you ever going to let your guard down.'

"Over YOUR dead body." Victor look too serious it made Alesandro wonder if he really did screw things that badly.

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