chapter 9

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                        Isabella's POV

After a long drive home from Los Angeles I finally made it home. I unlock my door and flop down on my big comfy bed ready to knock out. As I'm drifting off to sleep I hear my front door open and shut and Ava's voice calling me. Damn I can't get sleep to save my life.

Ava: "oh good you're awake. Let's go out tonight like right now calk up the girls. "

Isabella: "ava honey I love you but are you crazy? Plus the key I gave you was for emergency use only." I say rubbing my temples

Ava: "this is an emergency that fuckboy marcus was sleeping with another bitch the whole time we were talking" I say furious

Isabella:" omg are you okay come here" I say motioning for her to sit down.

Ava:" no I don't wanna sit down I wanna go out get drunk and shake my ass so please call the girls so we can get ready." I say going through her closet for something to wear. Being the sister of a model who has amazing clothes is amazing.

Isabella:"okay fine" I say I can tell she's not telling me the whole story but she will when she finally rest to she always does. I send out a group text to Phoebe and piper and they both say their on there way. "Okay they on the way we have two hours to get gorgeous"

3 hours later

Isabella:"ava if you don't bring yo ass I'm leaving you. This was your idea remember." I yell up the stairs I gave her ass 2 hours and she takes 3 classic ava.

                          Ava's outfit

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                          Ava's outfit

Ava: "okay I'm ready let's go" I say I had to make sure I looked perfect I wanted to have all the guys drooling tonight. If marcus could act single so could I . 20 min later we are pulling up to the club.

Phoebe: "the line isn't that bad tonight we should only have to wait 30 min if that. " I say getting out of izzys car.

Piper:" good cause the heels that I have on are not meant for standing for long periods of time" I say my feet were already hurting but they were cute and beauty is pain.

Piper:" good cause the heels that I have on are not meant for standing for long periods of time" I say my feet were already hurting but they were cute and beauty is pain

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