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"Hey! Are you deaf? I asked you several times nicely but you've crossed my limits. Give me the damn Smoothie!" I reached for the smoothie but that damn guard moved his arm. I hissed at him before sitting back down on the chair.

Minutes later, I felt cold liquid running down my back. What the hell? This guard must have a death wish. I suppose he have his funeral planned ahead of time.

I jumped on the guard's back, knocking him down unconscious. Ha! Serves him right.

I stood up and gather my spy book with me. Quickly taking a last glance of the room, I ran out the door. My boots were making the clanking sounds as I ran through the hallway. One painting almost had made me stopped on my feet to look it. I only had a glimpse of it, but I'm not sure if I saw it correctly.

It was a picture of The Shadow's Gang old leader, Garret who died months ago leaving the gang on Ashton's hand. He also left a mission, which he failed to carry out. We met before, maybe more than once. He was a kind man, I suppose.

I felt arms around my waist as I was lifted off the ground and carried off. Hmph, Conner picked me up as if I was a sack of grains. And how the hell did he even find me? Oh right, cameras.

"You know, you better put me down before I fart." I batted my eyelash innocently, jamming a finger on his back. "And you wouldn't like the smell of it."

"Be quiet." He grunted. I sighed. Maybe I should stick around and help with Garret's requested mission. I mean, he did help me at some times.

Conner stops shortly before placing me down and walking over to Ashton to stand next to DN. I shrugged and sat on the couch, crossing my legs and waiting for the question to be asked.

"What was in the USB?"

I looked down at my nails. It hasn't been clipped over for a week now, I frowned at that.

"I'm not going to ask you again, what was in the goddamn USB?"

"You know, what a great gentlemen you guys are. I've asked specifically for a Strawberry Smoothie but yet I still didn't have it in my hands." I sighed dramatically, leaning against the arm rest. "And above that, I'm hungry so please do me a favor and get me some lunch. That is, if you want my stomach growling."

Conner groaned before going on his phone and ordering food. Perfect. Once it came, he sets it on my table before walking back towards his place.

I went in my pockets and dig.

"What's in the–"

I flung the USB towards him and he swiftly caught it. "That's the real one." I shrugged. He eyed my suspiciously. "Don't believe me? Not my fault."

He sighed and hand it over to Ashton. Ashton then open it and put the screen onto a big board. I look down at the rice ball and began eating.

"The Darkness Gang?"

Author's Note: Haha, sorry for the boring and short chapter. I was quite being indecisive in this chapter, oh well.

That picture is what I imagine how The Shadows gang tattoo looks like

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That picture is what I imagine how The Shadows gang tattoo looks like. I'm not sure if it fits with the gang name, but eh.

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