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"Quick, grab whatever's near you. There's a red haired boy climbing up my window. Never mind. Bri, grab June and throw him out the window."

"Hey!" June protests.

Bri stifled a laugh. "Oh, that's Sai."

I narrowed my eyes at her while she just shrugs and walked towards the window. Minutes later, the red haired boy landed down on the floor with Bri blushing. For some reason, I've seen him somewhere before. But.

How on earth did this man, find this place?

I glared at Bri, which she is now hiding behind Sai. Great.

Sai snapped his head towards me and stepped aside making Bri standing there, shivering from my glare. "You must be Tena. Bri over here keeps on talking about you." I arched my eyebrow towards Bri. "Oh, don't worry, she wasn't fangirling."

"Oh don't worry, I wasn't worry about that." I flicked my tongue, my glare remaining on Bri. "Just wondering, what brings you here, Sai?"

He ruffles his hair. "Bri told me to come here, right Bri?" he turns towards her. "Any ways, I've gotta get going, see ya'll." he jumps out of the window after closing the window.

Bri fidgets on her spot. "Look, I really didn't tell him, even I don't know how he found this place." she exclaims.

"WHO is he?" June demands. "He could've be someone dangerous, yet you talked to him?"

"He isn't dangerous! He's sweet, he's nice, he's caring!" Bri yells.

I slapped my forehead at these two. "June, stay out of Bri's business. I know that you're protective over her, so yea. Bri, June is right. He could've be someone dangerous. Just don't let your guard off, ok?"

"Púdrete!" she points a finger at June. "Púdrete!"

"What did he do to you?" June asks calmly. "Look at you! You're a mess!"

She glared at June before storming out. My god, what is this, drama day? After a while, June storms out. I sighed before gathering some stuff and heading back towards the Shadows.
"Tena! Where were you? Look! We found a hacker!" Colton chirps happily, pointing at a boy that looks about the same age as me. The boy turns towards me as my eyes widened. Him?!

"Tena, meet Sai. Sai, meet Tena."

I glared at Sai while he smirks. "Oh, it's really nice to meet you." he says as I scoff.

Before I can say something, Ashton comes running in with blood on his shirt, gripping Colten's arm and dragging him.

I turned back towards Sai, my arms crossed. "What the hell?" I spat. "What kind of game are you playing?"

"Oh, I ain't playing any game, ML." he whispers. "I wonder, what happens if they found out you're ML? What will be their little reaction?"

I scoffed. "Oh shut up, I'm not the only one with a secret." he raises and eyebrow at me. "Son of The Darkness Gang's leader." I sneered.

He laughed. "That's me."

"Oh, I forgot, I have to kill you in front of Dane, yea." his face turns pale. Before he can say something, a voice boomed making both of us freeze.

Oh dear lord.


Yes, what the hell.

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